Back & Forth Professional 2.03
Text-based program launcher with clipboard, task swapping and desk accessories.
DOS / Games / Probe Software
Back To The Future 3
Back To The Future 3 is an arcade adventure tie-in based on the Back To The Future movie series, released by Probe Software in 1991.
DOS / Utility / Gazelle Systems
Back-It 3.03
Back-It, from Gazelle Systems, is a fast and compact hard disk backup utility. It was sometimes part of OEM system bundles. It was kind of low-end, and changed backup formats between releases but otherwise did what it was supposed to do.
Back-It 4 [H45 Technology OEM]
Back-It, from Gazelle Systems, is a fast and compact hard disk backup utility. It was sometimes part of OEM system bundles. It was kind of low-end, and changed backup formats between releases but otherwise did what it was supposed to do.
Windows 3.x / Games / Ziff Davis Publishing Company
Backgammon 1.1
"Backgammon is played on a board with triangular designs called points. The colored disks are called stones. Each player has 15 stones. The object of the game is to move all your stones from point to point around and then off the board before your opponent does the same." (freeware from PC Magazine)
Windows 3.x / Games / Graphics Software Labs
Backgammon Version 0.6
Backgammon, runs under Windows 2 and Windows 3, Nice version of Backgammon. One player vs. computer, can disable doubling cube, three levels, beginner, intermediate, or advanced.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Graphics Software Labs
Backgammon, By George! 1.83
Backgammon, By George! A game for Windows, from: Graphics Software Labs P.O. Box 6247 Huntington Beach, CA 92615 Version 1.83 - January 27, 1999 Copyright (c) '90-'99, Graphics Software Labs
Windows 9x/ME / System / Micro Solutions, Inc.
Backpack CD-ROM Drivers Rev. 9/18/96
This archive contains Micro Solutions Backpack CD-ROM drivers for DOS, OS/2, Windows 95, NT 3.51, and NT 4. DOS, OS/2 drivers are version 2.08, and 95/NT drivers are Rev. 9/18/96
Windows XP / Utility / STOMP, Inc.
Backup MyPc for windows Stomp Backup MyPc 30 Day Windows 2002 Trial Version
Stomp Backup MyPC 30 Day Windows 2002 Trial Version. Works with most QIC tape drives and OAK compatible Optical burners. Small installation size but still uses floppy disk for the programs boot restore.
BeOS / Utility / Various
Backup Set 1.0
(1) 'CreateDeviceImage v1.3.1' can create an image of a BFS partition and burn it on a CD. (2) 'MakeBFS cd image' uses 'cdrecord' and (1) to make images mountable as a harddisk. (3) 'Backup My Settings' is a little script.
DOS / Games / Mindscape
Balance of Power 1.0
Uses a Runtime Version of Windows 1.0, DOESN'T take advantage of a mouse, the image file can be used with Virtual PC or DOSBOX
Windows XP / Games / Mindscape - Chris Crawford
Balance of Power 2.08
Balance of Power is a computer strategy game of geopolitics during the Cold War, created by Chris Crawford and published in 1985. The game is notable for engaging the player in nail-biting brinkmanship without using any graphics more complicated than an outline map of the world. The goal of the game is simple: the player may choose to be either the President of the United States or the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and must lead the chosen superpower for eight years, seeking to maximize "prestige" and avoiding a nuclear war. Works well in Windows XP.
DOS / OS / Finnix
Balder FreeDOS 10
Balder is a floppy using FreeDOS intended as a replacement to ODIN.
DOS / Games / Psygnosis
Ballistix 1.0
Ballistix is a video game created by Martin Edmondson and published by Psygnosis in 1989. It is a fictional futuristic sport involving directing a puck to a goal by shooting small balls at it.
DOS / Games / Assistware
Balloons and Rainbows 5.0
This program draws a balloon and sounds a tone when any key is hit.The balloons are a random size and color and are drawn at random locations on the screen. Each key is assigned a different tone (the user can play tunes by pressing the appropriate keys).
DOS / Games / Infocom
You stick around after the show in the big top, hoping to catch a free after-hours performance. But instead, you overhear a mysterious conversation: the circus owner's daughter has been kidnapped! Could it be an inside job? You set out to rescue the damsel in distress, but the odds aren't in your favor - an outsider in a defensive close-knit community, trying to find a girl you've never met, in a place you know nothing about, among bizarre people who want nothing to do with you. Every circus has its underside, but few are as dangerous as this.
BamBam 0.9.3 (Beta)
BamBam (BeOS Audio Master) is a freeware audio editor/recorder. It runs only on BeOS R4. More sophisticated programs (ColdCut, SampleStudio) made it obsolete.
BamBam 0.9.5 (Beta)
This program runs only on BeOS R4, R4.5 or R5.
BamBam 0.9.6
Windows NT/2000 / Utility / Chris Scott
Banana PC 1
BananaPC greatly enhances the functionality of Windows NT, while providing some conveniences for Windows 95 users and users of the Windows 95 shell on NT
DOS / Communication / Paul Wheaton
BananaCom 4.0 4.0
BananaCom 4.0 - VERY simple modem/terminal freeware. Auto ZModem; auto ANSI/VT100; auto modem port and speed scan; hardware diagnostics; GIF/JPEG viewer; supports DOS, Windows and Win95; "BananaCom is widely considered the world's easiest-to-use terminal program" - Boardwatch Magazine. "BananaCom has got to be the quickest and simplest way to get online" - Computer Shopper Magazine.
Windows 3.x / Games / Data Becker
Banania is a puzzle game in the tradition of Sokoban, just with added monster. Very cute graphics. It runs on Windows 3.0+. Only available in German language. The 3.5" DD floppy image (720K) also contains Microsoft's SPEAKER.DRV which allows audio playback – no MIDI – on the PC speaker without a sound card.
DOS / Multimedia / Mindscape
Bank Street Music Writer
In 1986, Mindscape, Inc. publishes Bank Street Music Writer, a game for the DOS system. Offering educational genre, it is now an abandonware. Bank Street Music Writer is an excellent music composition program that not only teaches you the basic concepts of music, but also allows you to write and "play" music as well. Although it helps if you can already read musical notes, that isn't a prerequisite for the program: Mindscape includes a clear and concise 64-page documentation -- an introduction to music fundamentals that will teach the most tone-deaf neophyte such basics as notes, tempo, pitch and melody (I will try to scan this manual sometime soon ;)) Writing notes on the screen music "paper" is a very simple affair of positioning the cursor at the line corresponding to the note you want, and pressing a number key. Four is a quarter note, eight is an eighth note, and so on. If you make a mistake, the program's error protection alerts you and prevents the note from being entered. Notes already entered can be erased with a keystroke, and the music you have already notated can be heard at any time. Each of the four separate voices is highlighted in different colors as each note is played, like a follow-along bouncing ball. To demonstrate finished results, Music Writer has includes a dozen complete pieces of music you can read and edit. These range from a long excerpt from Tchaikovski's "Nutcracker Suite"' to Scott Joplin rags and "On Top of Old Smokey." This last song is used as the basis for the program's tutorial, which quickly teaches how to operate the keyboard commands and use them to start writing music. Another intriguing idea of the program is that it was shipped with the "Mindscape Music Board" intended for people who didn't have Tandy or PCjr. This is a 6 voice sound card which turned out to be a sine or square wave generator with simple attack, sustain, and delay parameters. It also allows you to print out real sheet music, and you could follow your voices on-screen as they played. A great piece of hardware that sure beats cheap plastic guitar picks that come with most modern music programs ;) Overall, Bank Street Music Writer is a revolutionary program that is still surprisingly playable today. It is not as intuitive or pretty to look at as EA's Music Construction Set, but it's got enough different features and user-friendly options to stand up to the best. Two thumbs up, way up! Review by HOTUD
DOS / Office / Broderbund
Bank Street Writer Plus 1.1
Bank Street Writer is an easy to use word processor intended for beginners and educational use. This version is for the IBM PC/PC XT/PC AT/PCjr running DOS.