DOS / Office / Lifetree Software Inc
Volkswriter 1.2
Volkswriter, from Lifetree Software Inc, was an early easy to use word processor for the IBM PC. Development of Volkswriter was inspired by the horridness of EasyWriter, and for a brief time it was possibly the only usable word processor for the IBM PC before an IBM version of WordStar was released.
DOS / Office / Lifetree Software Inc.
Volkswriter 3 (r1.0)
Volkswriter, from Lifetree Software Inc, was an early easy to use word processor for the IBM PC. Development of Volkswriter was inspired by the horridness of EasyWriter, and for a brief time it was possibly the only usable word processor for the IBM PC before an IBM version of WordStar was released. It was first released in 1982, and first version was reportedly copy protected. The "Deluxe" version will work with larger documents and has more features. Volkswriter 3 adds visible line spacing, automatic paragraph formatting, math functions, spellchecker, mail merge and Topview compatibility. Archive includes PDF manual and four 360k 5.25" floppy disk images.
Volkswriter 4 (r1.0)
Volkswriter, from Lifetree Software Inc, was an early easy to use word processor for the IBM PC. Development of Volkswriter was inspired by the horridness of EasyWriter, and for a brief time it was possibly the only usable word processor for the IBM PC before an IBM version of WordStar was released. The "Deluxe" version will work with larger documents and has more features. Version 4 r1.0 adds font support, macros, a graphical page preview, and includes the Correct Grammar grammar checker.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Not specified
Volume Mixer
Volume Mixer für Windows/WfW 3.1x. Benötigt eine 16bit Soundkarte sonst startet er nicht. Sieht genauso aus wie der Volume Mixer in Windows 95. Er wird in der Programmgruppe Zubehör abgelegt.
Vopt 2.15
Vopt's remarkable speed in reorganizing your disk is due to use of a "best fit" algorithm, which guarantees that no file will be moved unless the move will result in a real improvement in over- all disk organization.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Ken Silverman
Voxlap engine source code 09/14/2005
The Voxlap engine includes all the tools you need to create your own game using a high-speed software voxel engine. I have included 4 applications: * GAME: An unfinished sample game * SIMPLE: Minimalist application code to help get you started. * VOXED: My voxel world editor * KWALK: My voxel model animation editor
Voyetra Digital Orchestrator Pro 3.02.05
Another version of that famous midi/audio sequencer... Discontinued by Voyetra. From Win9x... Not tested...
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Voyetra Technologies
Voyetra Multimedia Pack
A suite of sound, audio, image, & video programs. Includes: AudioStation, VideoStation, ImageStation, WinDAT, MIDI Orchestrator, Audio Calendar, Say It!, JukeBox, Sound Events, Sound Script, Voice Net, Mixer Control, Level Control, & SoundCheck. NOTE: Voice Net ONLY works with Novell Netware, and Level Control with select sound cards.
DOS / Office / Paperback Software
VP Planner version 3D 3d
This is the last update for VP-Planner before the Lotus Corp litigation kicked in and killed the company. It is essentially the same as VP-Planner Plus, with added 3D worksheet capability. I also have the manuals, including the 3D supplement
DOS / DBMS / Idea Ware Inc/Paperback Software Inc
VP-Expert 2.01
Included in this archive is Paperback Software's VP Expert, an expert system from the 1980s, on two 360k disks; program files (release date 10/88) and sample files with the same release date. VP-Expert was a low-cost solution that competed against products such as 1st-Class Fusion, Knowledgepro, Level 5, and Personal Consultant Easy. It provides rule induction, traditional structured rule programming, backwards and forward chaining, and hypertext and mouse support in graphics mode. There does not appear to be any copy protection. Archive contains two 360k images in raw (WinImage) and SuperCard Pro formats.
VP-Expert 2.10
Paperback Software's VP Expert is an expert system from the 1980s. Includes two 360k disks: program files and sample files. VP-Expert was a low-cost solution that competed against products such as 1st-Class Fusion, Knowledgepro, Level 5, and Personal Consultant Easy. It provides rule induction, traditional structured rule programming, backwards and forward chaining, and hypertext and mouse support in graphics mode.
DOS / DBMS / Sub Rosa Inc.
VP-Info 4.22
Included in this archive is Paperback Software's VP Info, a dBase-type relational database manager with compiler from the 1980s, on three 360k disks; program files (version 4.22) on disk 1, utilities and help files on disk 2, sample files from v.1.4. VP-Info features the ability to use common dBase/Clipper file formats with an unlimited number of records, and a built-in compiler. There does not appear to be any copy protection. Archive contains three 360k images in raw (WinImage) and SuperCard Pro formats.
DOS / Office / Paperback Software
VP-Planner 1.35
VP Planner is a Lotus 123-type spreadsheet, but featuring 3-D (paged) spreadsheets and other advances over Lotus 123. This was the subject of a lawsuit which Paperback Software eventually won, but which sank the company. This version is NOT copy protected. Archive contains two 360k images in raw (WinImage) and SuperCard Pro formats.
DOS / Office / Paperback Software
VP-Planner 1.00 1.00
VP Planner is a Lotus 123-type spreadsheet, but featuring 3-D (paged) spreadsheets and other advances over Lotus 123. This was the subject of a lawsuit which Paperback Software eventually won, but which sank the company. IMPORTANT: Version 1.00 is copy-protected and requires the distribution disk to be in a 5.25 inch drive, but a subsequent update removed the copy protection. No unprotect is included. The extracted files in the "files" folder will not run without an original floppy disk in the A: drive. It is also not possible to create functional "raw" sector images for these disks. You must write the included TransCopy or SuperCard Pro images to a floppy, or use the TransCopy images with an emulator such as PCE. (Use the HxC disk tools to convert to Kryoflux format)
DOS / Multimedia / Not specified
VPIC 6.1
VPIC is a file viewer/converter for EGA, VGA and SuperVGA display adapters. It supports 8514A, Acumos, Ahead (A & B chip), ATI, Chips & Technology, Compaq, Everex, Genoa, Headland (Video 7), NCR, Oak, Paradise, Primus, Realtek, S3, Trident (8800 BR & CS and 8900), Tseng (ET3000 & ET4000 chip), Western Digital, and Zymos VGA chips in all VGA/EGA graphics modes. If your board supports the VESA standard, it is autodetected and used. VPIC will display ,and convert to, the following graphics file formats in whatever modes your video card will do: BIF BMP GIF LBM MAC PIC PCX CUT SCx TGA TIF
DOS / Games / unknown
VR Slingshot
VR Slingshot is a game that was designed for use with Stereo 3D LCD Shutter Glasses but which can be played in a normal DOS window. It claims to be "... the first game to combine: 1. Real-time computational fluid dynamics airflow simulation, 2. Real-time physics-based interaction, 3. Advanced flying and driving simulation, 4. Stereoscopic 3D graphics, 3D sound". needs 486 and mouse/joystick
DOS / Utility / Mcafee
VShield 4.3 V 84 4.3 v84
VSHIELD is a memory-resident program that prevents viruses from infecting your computer. VSHIELD does this by checking program files before they are loaded into the computer and executed. VSHIELD can also check for viruses during a copy operation. If a virus is found, or a program does not match its validation check, or a file is not on the /CERTIFY list, then VSHIELD will not allow the file to be executed, preventing the virus from infecting your system. VSHIELD will also check the disk the computer is booting from for boot sector and partition table viruses. In the event that a virus is found, VSHIELD will not allow the system to reboot and will prompt the user to insert a clean, write-protected boot disk and run the VIRUSCAN program to determine the extent of the infection.
DOS / Other / Soft Warehouse, Inc.
Bootable CP/M 2.2 disk for the VT180 computer with MUSIMP, MUMATH1 and many modules from ALGEBRA to UNPARSE. This is the first CAS (computer algebra system) of the world for microcomputers. This version (C) Microsoft. Disk image 5.25", SSDD, 40tr, 9 sect., 512 bytes/sect, interleave 1 (Diskimage, D. Dunfield). THIS IS NOT A DOS DISK!
DOS / System / Microsoft
VT52 Device Driver V3.12
VT52.SYS is a device driver that enables your local DOS console to behave as a VT52 terminal. It works in a similar way to the MS-DOS ANSI.SYS, and should be loaded in place of it. This software may be required by some very early DOS programs that were designed for 8088/8086 based non-IBM compatible MS-DOS machines, several of which used VT52 style communications with their display. This version appears to be from ~1987 and was found with some software for OS/2.
Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Vtechch Corporation
Vtech Power-Link Software 2.0
Works With Winodws 3.1 windows 95 or compatible mode Upload and download files from a VTECH learning product to a personal computer. send graphics and text files to a personal computer Use yout VTECH learning product to create a word processing document on the go and then use Vtech POWER LINK to print the document trough a personal computer. Acess your VTECH files on your PC. Capture graphics from your VTECH learning product and view on your PC All Rights Reserved By VTECH manual: 1) Unpack the file on a formatted disk 2) Start your PC in MS-DOS mode. 3) Enter (example with diskette) "A: \ INSTALL" and confirm with the ENTER key. 4) Follow the instructions on your screen
DOS / Communication / Coefficient Systems Corporation
VTERM is a PC telecommunications program designed to emulate the DEC VT100 and interface with Digital Equipment Corporation systems. In addition to emulating a terminal, it supports binary file transfers. VTERM was primarily targeted at large corporations that also owned, used, or interfaced with large VAX VMS or PDP systems. VTERM II supports baud rates up to 9600, and file transfers using ASCII, VTRANS7, VTRANS7, or XMODEM. Later versions supported the Kermit file transfer protocol. IMPORTANT: These disks contain copy protection and no unprotect is known to exist. To properly reproduce these disks, you must use one of the provided Kryoflux, SCP, Transcopy, ImageDisk, or CopyIIPC images.
Windows 9x/ME / Other / Vireo Software
VtoolsD for Windows 95 2.05b
VToolsD for Windows from Vireo Software is a C/C++ toolkit for writing virtual device drivers (VxDs). It is designed as a replacement for Microsoft's Device Driver Kit (DDK). In addition to a visual-programming environment, the toolkit provides a code generator for dynamically loaded/unloaded device drivers. VToolsD supports VxD development for Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11 under both Microsoft Visual C++ and Borland C++. In addition, Vireo recently released VToolsD for Windows 95, which supports features of the new OS-like plug and play.
VTX Emulador de Videotexto Telerj Versao 3.3 3.3
O "software" TELERJ é um programa de emulação de terminal VIDEOTEXTO, a partir de microcomputadores PC e compatíveis, para sistema operacional DOS. Este "software" foi desenvolvido pela TELERJ, em linguagem C, com o objetivo de facilitar o acesso às suas centrais de VIDEOTEXTO
BeOS / Games / Santiago Lema
W6 1.7
W6 (or What Went Wrong, its a World Wide War!) - a stupid and lousy wargame for the BeOS (R4, x86) in the style of "Risk" --- the package contains libs "" & "" (demanded by different apps).
Windows 9x/ME / System / UBCD
W98 driver Packs From UBCD
Index for the Driver Packs for Windows 98se v1.01 __________________________________ DP_w98_1.01.exe is 12.4 MB and extracts to 45.9 MB DP_w98_2.01.exe is 8.88 MB and extracts to 40.5 MB DP_w98_3.01.exe is 14.5 MB and extracts to 49.5 MB DP_w98_4.01.exe is 1.08 MB and extracts to 3.71 MB DP_w98_5.01.exe is 2.34 MB and extracts to 5.32 MB DP_w98_6.01.exe is 523 KB and extracts to 1.89 MB DP_w98_7.01.exe is 105 KB and extracts to 36.4 KB total: 39.8 MB extracting to 147 MB uncompressed __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 1 ** ATI Radeon 9800 series ATI Radeon 9700 series ATI Radeon 9600 series ATI Radeon 9500 series ATI Radeon 9200 series ATI Radeon 9100 series ATI Radeon 9000 series ATI Radeon 8500 series ATI Radeon 7500 series ATI Radeon 7200 series ATI Radeon 7000 series ATI Radeon Xpress 200 series ** and all "All-In-Wonder" variants of the every ATI Radeon series family above. SiS 315 SiS 530 SiS 6326 SiS 635 SiS 645 SiS 733 SiS 735 Trident Blade XP-T64 S3 ProSavageDDR ASUS VANTA2000 ASUS V3800 Series ASUS V6600 Series ASUS V6800 Series ASUS V7100 Series ASUS V7700 Series ASUS V8200 Series ASUS V8170 Series ASUS V8420 Series ASUS V8440 Series ASUS V8460 Series ASUS V9180 Series ASUS V9280 Series ASUS CUA Series __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 2 ** SiS 650 VIA-S3 UniChrome VIA VT8361 VIA VT8601 VIA VT850 ATi Rage 128 ATi Rage 128 Pro Voodoo3 Voodoo4 Voodoo5 Voodoo Banshee __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 3 ** NVIDIA GeForce2 Integrated GPU NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200 NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS/GeForce2 Pro NVIDIA GeForce2 Ti NVIDIA GeForce2 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce3 NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200 NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 500 NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 with AGP8X NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440SE NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440SE with AGP8X NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 460 NVIDIA GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4800 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE NVIDIA GeForce FX 5100 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200LE NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600XT NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700LE NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700VE NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900ZT NVIDIA GeForce FX 5950 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce PCX 5300 NVIDIA GeForce PCX 5750 NVIDIA GeForce PCX 5900 NVIDIA GeForce 6100 NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 400 NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 405 NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 420 NVIDIA GeForce 6100 nForce 430 NVIDIA GeForce 6150 NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE NVIDIA GeForce 6200 NVIDIA GeForce 6200 A-LE NVIDIA GeForce 6200 LE NVIDIA GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM) NVIDIA GeForce 6200SE TurboCache(TM) NVIDIA GeForce 6500 NVIDIA GeForce 6600 NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT NVIDIA GeForce 6600 LE NVIDIA GeForce 6600 VE NVIDIA GeForce 6610 XL NVIDIA GeForce 6700 XL NVIDIA GeForce 6800 NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GS NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GS/XT NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT NVIDIA GeForce 6800 LE NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Series GPU NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce 6800 XE NVIDIA GeForce 6800 XT NVIDIA GeForce 7025 NVIDIA GeForce 7050 PV NVIDIA GeForce 7100 GS NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE NVIDIA GeForce 7300 SE NVIDIA GeForce 7500 LE NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT NVIDIA GeForce 7600 LE NVIDIA GeForce 7650 GS NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GS NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX v2 NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT/GTO NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GTX NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GT NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GT AGP NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2 NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2 v2 NVIDIA GeForce 8300 GS NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS NVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra NVIDIA Quadro2 MXR/EX NVIDIA Quadro2 Pro NVIDIA Quadro4 380 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 550 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 580 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 700 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 750 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 780 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 900 XGL NVIDIA Quadro4 980 XGL NVIDIA Quadro DCC NVIDIA Quadro FX 1000 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1100 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1300 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1400 NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 2000 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3000 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3400/4400 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI NVIDIA Quadro FX 350 NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4000 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4500 X2 NVIDIA Quadro FX 500/FX 600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 540 NVIDIA Quadro FX 550 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 5500 NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 560 NVIDIA Quadro FX 700 NVIDIA Quadro NVS NVIDIA Quadro NVS 210S NVIDIA Quadro NVS 285 NVIDIA Quadro NVS 440 NVIDIA Quadro NVS 50 PCI NVIDIA Quadro NVS 55/280 PCI NVIDIA Quadro NVS with AGP8X NVIDIA Quadro PCI-E Series SiS 661FX __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 4 ** (Chipset drivers) ALi1621 nForce2 (chipset) nForce3 (chipset) nForce4 (chipset) VIA USB 2.0 (usb) VIA HyperionPro 5.12 (chipset) __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 5 ** (audio drivers) VIA AC97 ESS 1869 Sound Blaster Live SoundMAX AD1885 __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 6 ** (network drivers) ALN 201 ALN 325 Realtek 10/100/1000/ NIC Family ADMtek AN983B Realtek RTL8139 LanKom LB-1200U VIA VT8233 __________________________________ ** Driver Packs 7 ** (Virtual Machine drivers) VMWare mouse driver VMWare Virtual SVGA video driver