The complete list of software

DOS / Communication / Datastorm Technologies, Inc.


Procomm Plus

Terminal Emulator and Modem communications software. Also included is a scanned Getting started guide.



Procomm Plus 1.1a

An early version of Procomm Plus for DOS, a once popular serial telecommunications program used to communicate with BBSes.



Procomm Plus 1.1B

Procomm Plus was a popular telecommunications program used for accessing BBSes under MS-DOS. This archive contains two 360k floppy disk images.



Procomm Plus 2.01

Procomm+ v 2.01 comm program (with added Texas Z-Modem external Z-Modem transfer protocol, Snipper screen capture utility, & Tinyedit editor from a prior installation) - run pcsetup first to configure modem.


Windows 3.x / Communication / Datastorm Technologies, Inc.


Procomm Plus 2.11

Procomm Plus V2.11 for Windows 3.x - Probably the best Telecom Package for the Windows 3.x OS.


Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Quarterdeck


Procomm Plus 4.7 4.7

Communications Package


Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Symantec Corporation


ProComm Plus 4.8 4.8

ProComm Plus is an integrated, 32-bit communications package offering fax technology, terminal emulation, data communications, and Internet access designed for the Windows 95/98, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 Operating systems. NOTE: This is the LAST version released.


Windows 3.x / Communication / Datastorm Technologies, Inc.


Procomm Plus for Windows 1.0

Procomm Plus for Windows is the first version of the once popular telecommunications program for the Microsoft Windows 3.0 platform. This archive contains 3 1.44mb disk images.



Procomm Plus for Windows 2.11

Terminal emulator plus FAX and other features



Procomm Plus for Windows 3.0

3.00 brings Procomm in to the era of the web with a built in web browser, news reader, mail, and more. To install, extract the zip WITH directories, then run setup from the Disk1 folder. Also, be sure to see the reg.txt before running setup.


DOS / System / Procorp


Procorp Mouse Drivers 1989

This archive contains the mouse drivers and system software for the Procorp Serial Mouse.


Windows 3.x / System / JDS-Software


Profan 5.0b

Programmiersprache für Windows 3.1x ----------------------------------- Der Syntax ist stark an BASIC und Pascal angelehnt. Man hat vollen Zugriff auf die Windows-API. Falls einem der Wortschatz nicht ausreicht, können auch fremde DLLs eingebunden werden. Diese Version ist Freeware. Sie beihaltet einen Compiler, der aus dem Programmcode selbständig laufende EXE-Dateien kompiliert. Einige Beispielprogramme werden mitgeliefert. Erstelle einen Ordner Entpacke den Inhalt der 3 Archive in den Ordner Führe Setup aus


Windows 3.x / Utility / Roland G. Hülsmann


Profan 5.0b

Programmiersprache mit einer Mischung aus BASIC und Pascal. Man hat vollen Zugriff auf die Windows API. Damit kann man z.B. auf die Schnittstellen zugreifen oder auch Drucker ansprechen. Falls einem die Funktionen nicht ausreichen, es lassen sich auch externe DLLs einbinden und aufrufen. Diese Programmiersprache enthält einen Compiler, der die Programme in EXE-Dateien kompiliert. Wenn man ein Programm weitergeben will, das eine externe DLL verwendet, muss man diese DLL auch mit weitergeben.


Windows 3.x / Utility / JDS-Software


Profan 5.0b

Profan - eine Programmiersprache für Windows 3.x. Der Syntax ist eine Mischung aus BASIC und Pascal. Der Compiler erzeugt ausführbare EXE-Dateien. Man hat vollen Zugriff auf die ganze Windows-API. Wenn einem der Funktionsumfang nicht reicht, kann auch externe DLLs einbinden und den Funktionsumfang beliebig erweitern.


DOS / Other / Not specified


profesional write 3.0


DOS / Office / Not specified


Profesional Write espa?ol s/n


Windows 3.x / Utility / JASC, inc.


Professional Capture Systems JasCapture 1.02

Screen capture utility for DOS and Win 3.x from JASC. The DOS utility is a TSR. The Win 3.x utility runs in the background minimized. This is the fully registered version. Does not ask for a serial.


DOS / Office / SPC Software Publishing Co.


Professional File 2.01

Database Program for MSDOS


DOS / Office / Software Publishing Corporation


Professional Write

This is the last Professional Write for dos.


DOS / Office / Not specified


Professional Write


DOS / Office / Software Publishing Corporation


Professional Write 2.0

Word Processing Program for MSDOS


DOS / Office / Soft-Art Inc.


Professional write 2.1

Word processing software for DOS


DOS / Office / Software Publishing Corporation


Professional Write 2.11

Professional Write, from Software Publishing Corporation, was a popular word processor for home use during the late 80s and early 90s. It features an easy to use menu system and an integrated spell checker.


DOS / System / Software Publishing Corporation


professional write 3.0

procesador de texto


DOS / Utility / Software Publishing Corporation


Professional Write ?

Word Processor


Windows 3.x / Office / Software Publishing Corporation


Professional Write Plus 1.0

***install only from floppy*** Copyright 1988, 1991 Samna Corporation, empresa propiedad de Lotus Development Corporation. Digital Typefonts de Xiphias, Copyright 1986-1991. Programa y diccionario de Ortograf?a Soft-Art, Inc., Copyright 1984-1991. Diccionario de sin?nimos Proximity/Merriam-Webster Copyright 1985 Merriam-Webster Inc. Copyright 1988 Proximity Technology Inc.


DOS / Office / 1988 Software Publishing Corporation


Professional Writerite 2.10

Wordprocessor for Dos w/ WYSIWYG mode


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Streetwise Software


Professor Franklin's Instant Photo Effects 1.05

It's a great software that can apply various effects and add great frames to photos instantly and with just a click of a mouse.


DOS / Utility / Vladimir Kushnir


Program calc - Arithmetic and Algebra of Graphs

DOS in-line data processing, numerical calculator.


DOS / Communication / Sharp Corporation


Program Card Basic Utillity (IQ749) for Sharp Organizer 1.0

Driver & Program for Sharp IQ Organizer Series 7xxx & 8xxx with Basic Card (IQ-707, IQ-770, IQ-870, IQ-871) may work with other Basic Cards too...not sure. ASYNC-BC.SYS must be loaded in the CONFIG.SYS...Also ANSI.SYS & COUNTRY.SYS needed.


DOS / Utility / Doctor Stein's labs


Program Cracker 7.40 beta

Analoque of CRACKER. Binary patching tool.


Windows 9x/ME / System / Alan Phillips


Programmer's File Editor 0.07.002

This is the 0.07.002 release of Programmer's File Editor, a large-capacity multi-file programming oriented editor for Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0 on Intel platforms, and Windows 3.1x


Windows 3.x / Office / A. Phillips


Programmer's File Editor (DOS, 16bits & 32bits versions) 1.01

The best programmers editor I ever seen for Windows 3.11


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Alan Philips


Programmer's File Editor (DOS, 16bits & 32bits versions) 1.01.000

Powerfull text editor multidocument. Very usefull. It has macro features, and many other tools.


DOS / System / Electronic Arts


Programmer's Kit for DeluxePaint Animation 1.0


DOS / Other / Microsoft


Programmer's LIbrary 1.3

The files are dated 1991-03-01. Titles include:MS BASIC 7.1: Programming Guide,Language Reference, Getting Started. MS QB 4.5: Programming in BASIC,Learning to Use MS QuickBASIC,Language Reference,Programmer's Toolbox. MS FORTRAN 5.0: Language Reference, Advanced Topics. Intel 286,287,386,387 Programmer's Reference MS MASM 6.0: Reference,Programmer's Guide. MS C 6.0: Advanced Programming Techniques,Reference,Run-Time Library Reference,Developer's Toolkit Reference. QuickC 2.5: Tool Kit,C for Yourself,Up and Running,MS QuickC Programming,Proficient C. MS-DOS 3.3 & 4.0 Programmer's Reference. The MS-DOS Encyclopedia,Advanced MS-DOS Programming, The New Peter Norton Programmer's Guide. MS Systems Journal Volume 1,2,3,4,5 & 6. MS LAN Manager Installation Guide, MS SQL Server Installation Guide. MS OS/2 Getting Started,Learning Guide,User's Guide,Desktop Reference, Programmer's Reference Vol. 1,2,3,4 ,Inside OS/2, The OS/2 Presentation Manager,Advanced OS/2 Programming. MS Pascal User's Guide,Pascal Reference,QuickPascal Pascal By Example. MS Windows 3.0 SDK Guide to Programming,Install. & Update Guide, Programmer's Reference Vol. 1 &2, SDK Tools,Printer & Font Kit,Programming MS Windows


Windows NT/2000 / Utility / Borland Software


Programmer's Reference CD BOR 8563

Came with Borland C++ 5.02 Directories - BITMAPS, CODE, FONTS, GAMES, ICONS, INFO, NTCODE, SOUNDS, UTILS, WINSOCK "The majority of this shareware/freeware was compiled from the InfoMagic CICAWindows 3-CD Set."


DOS / Other / Dave Williams


Programmer's Technical Reference for MSDOS and the IBM PC 3.0

Technical reference manual text files.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / A. Phillips


Programmers File Editor 1.01

32-Bit version of the best programmers editor I ever seen for Windows 3.11


DOS / Utility / Peter Norton Computing Inc


Programmers Norton Guides 1

Stay resident help program for visualize informational databases that you can create and compile from text or reverse into text for printing or editing. Tools, some databases and samples to create them.


DOS / Other / M&T Books


Programming in 3 Dimensions 1

File contents of the 5.25" companion disk included with the book "Programming in 3 Dimensions" by Christopher D. Watkins and Larry Sharp. (ISBN 1-55851-220-9) The disk includes example files and source code. Volume label: SDK DBG 1


Windows XP / Other / Microsoft Press


Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model 2ed

CD-ROM ISO included with the book Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model, 2ed by Walter Oney.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Prolab Tech Co.


ProImage for Windows 1.10

Editor de gráficos que se incluía gratis en la compra de un mause qtronix.


DOS / Office / Microsoft


Project 4.0


DOS / Office / Applied Business Technology Corporation


Project Manager Workbench 2.20 Advanced

"The Workbench is a decision support system designed specifically for a project manager's own use when planning and controlling projects in which resources are a major consideration. Its primary goals are to - increase your productivity by automating lengthy and tedious calculations associated with balancing of resources, networking, costing, etc., - enhance your responsiveness to changing conditions by allowing you to modify and reconfigure plans quickly, and - improve the quality of your planning by enabling you to produce plans that are both detailed and current. The Workbench helps you achieve these goals The Workbench integrates Gantt charts, dependency networks, resource spreadsheets and text. Therefore, you have all the tools required to plan and control projects." Project Workbench comes in both a Standard an Advanced edition and an optional communications module. Important: This software is copy protected, and no unprotect is known to exist. To run it, you must either recreate a copy protected disk with the images provided, or run in an emulator that supports copy protected disks such as PCE. Note: This software checks the DOS version at startup and refuses to run on DOS 5.0 or later. To work around this, add an entry to setver with the command "SETVER PMW.COM 3.30".


BeOS / Games / Parallel Realities


Project: Starfighter 1.1

Project: Starfighter is an old school 2D shoot 'em up. In the game you take on the role of a rebel pilot called Chris, who is attempting to overthrow a military corporation called Weapco. Weapco has seized control of the known universe and currently rules it with an iron fist. Chris can no longer stand back and watch as millions of people suffer and die. He steals an experimental craft known as "Firefly" and begins his mission to fight his way to Sol, freeing key systems along the way. The game opens with Chris attempting to escape a Weapco patrol that has intercepted him.


DOS / Other / Inmax Publishing Limited


Project:VISION 1.5

Project:VISION--Planning Made Easy. Full version. I use this DOS project management program on an HP 200LX Palmtop. You can use Project:VISION to create Project Plans then export the graphic results to Printers and Graphics files or export the Project to MS Project. Critical Path PERT Charts, Four types of Logic Links, Lags.


DOS / Other / Politechnika Wroclawska Herlender Lagonski


Projektowanie Elektroenergetycznych Odbiorczych Instalacji Niski 1

Projektowanie Elektroenergetycznych Odbiorczych Instalacji Niskiego Napiecia


Windows XP / Other / Sokkia


ProLink 1.15

This is a download tool for Sokkia total stations. It has COGO features for land surveying as well.


Windows 3.x / Utility / Kobayashi Software / Eric Shreiber


Prolix (16-bit) 2.1

Prolix is a Windows text editor, useful for a wide variety of situations. Its strengths are its ease-of-use, handy, powerful features, and clean interface. For Windows 3.1x It is far better than the standard Notepad.


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