Windows 3.x / Communication / Microsoft
Microsoft Internet Explorer High Encryption Pack 4.01 (16-bits)
Add support for 128-bits cryptography for Windows 3.1x with Internet Explorer 4.01 installed. (Multillanguage)
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Microsoft
Microsoft Internet Explorer High Encryption Pack 5.00 5.0.2614.3500
Adiciona suporte a criptografia 128-bits para Windows 9x/NT4 com Internet Explorer 5.00 (PT-BR) instalado.
Windows 9x/ME / Communication / Microsoft
Microsoft Internet Explorer High Encryption Pack 5.01 (9x/NT4) 5.0.2919.6307
Adiciona suporte a criptografia 128-bits para Windows 9x/NT4 com Internet Explorer 5.01 (PT-BR) instalado.
Windows NT/2000 / Communication / Microsoft
Microsoft Internet Explorer High Encryption Pack 5.01 para Windo
Adiciona suporte a criptografia 128-bits para Windows 2000 com Internet Explorer 5.01 (PT-BR) instalado.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Microsoft
Microsoft Kids
Microsoft Kids. PT_BR. Creative Writer, um editor de textos que fazia tambem cartoes de aniversarios. Fine Artist, um programa de desenhos. Creative Writer and Fine Artist.
Windows 3.x / Other / Microsoft
Microsoft Knowledge Base Archive (200,000+ articles)
This is an archive of more than 200,000 Microsoft KB articles from the 1990s. It is not 100% complete, but most of these are no longer available directly from Microsoft.
DOS / Other / Microsoft
Microsoft Macro Assembler 3.0
Version 3.0 of Microsoft's Macro Assembler development too.
DOS / System / Miscrosoft
Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) for DOS and OS/2 5.10
MASM v5.10 single folder installation using hand crafted batch files. Edit SETUP.BAT, then run it. There is also a new MODERN.INI key behaviour for the Editor. See 0README.TXT
OS/2 / System / Microsoft
Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) for OS/2 and DOS 5.1
DISK 5 - OS/2 PROGRAM included. extra disk included. Original Installer wants A: drive for install. For filename confliction, you cannot combine "DISK 1" and "DISK 3".
DOS / System / Microsoft
Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) for Windows,NT and DOS 6.11
Install directory for MASM 6.11 for DOS, Windows and Windows NT. Run SETUP in ./IMASM611
DOS / System / Microsoft
Microsoft Macro Assembler version 4.0 Beta 4.0 Beta
Microsoft Macro Assembler version 4.0 Beta
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Microsoft
Microsoft Magic School Bus : Explores The Rain Forest
Most of the original titles were created by the software company Music Pen in collaboration with Microsoft and Scholastic Press, the publisher of the Magic School Bus book series. The class is decorating their classroom for "Rainforest Day." Wanda brought a "Right-Away-Rainforest Toolbox" that could do the job, but some "bio-clones" are missing from the kit. Ms. Frizzle takes the class on a field trip to the Costa Rican rainforest to find the missing bio-clones. This is the only game where Ms. Frizzle's middle name is mentioned. This game was the first of the CD-ROM series not to be based on any of the books. It was also the last one created by Music Pen.
DOS / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Mail Version 2.1 - 1.44mb
The Microsoft Mail product was introduced in 1991 for PC Networks. It was based on Network Courier, a product that Microsoft purchased and updated. There were clients for MS-DOS and Windows. This was an postoffice shared mail system database. This was there first windows version 2.1. oldgeek
Windows XP / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 4.0
Microsoft Mathematics 4.0. Desde matemáticas básicas a cálculo previo, Microsoft Mathematics incluye herramientas y características que ayudan a comprender de mejor forma los conceptos fundamentales y visualizar los conceptos matemáticos de nuevas formas. Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 facilita la creación de gráficas en 2D y 3D, calcula resultados numéricos, resuelve ecuaciones o inecuaciones y simplifica las expresiones algebraicas.
Microsoft Money 3.0
Install files for Microsoft Money 3.0.
Microsoft Money 3.0
Microsoft Money that was included on the Office 4.3 & Bookshelf CD.
Microsoft Money 3.0
Microsoft Money, version 3.0 - installed version, fully functional
Windows NT/2000 / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Money 99 [UK English] (OEM)
Microsoft Money is a home oriented financial management tool. It was designed specifically for Microsoft Windows, and was touted as being easier to use. At its release it competed against products such as Quicken. Microsoft Money was discontinued in 2009.
Windows 3.x / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Money 2.0a 2.0a
Microsoft Money is a home finance manager. Created to rival Quicken, which was an already established product, whose files Money can import/export. Works with Microsoft Windows 3.0.
Windows XP / Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Money Plus Sunset Deluxe
Microsoft Money is a home oriented financial management tool. It was designed specifically for Microsoft Windows, and was touted as being easier to use. At its release it competed against products such as Quicken. Microsoft Money was discontinued in 2009. On June 17, 2010, Microsoft announced the release of Money Plus Sunset, a downloadable version of Money Plus Deluxe and Money Plus Home & Business. Money Plus Sunset does not require online activation or the installation of any previous version of Money on the user's computer, and it should not be installed over the original 2008 version, if online services are still required.
Microsoft Money Plus Sunset Home and Business
Microsoft Money is a home oriented financial management tool. It was designed specifically for Microsoft Windows, and was touted as being easier to use. At its release it competed against products such as Quicken. Microsoft Money was discontinued in 2009. On June 17, 2010, Microsoft announced the release of Money Plus Sunset, a downloadable version of Money Plus Deluxe and Money Plus Home & Business. Money Plus Sunset does not require online activation or the installation of any previous version of Money on the user's computer, and it should not be installed over the original 2008 version, if online services are still required.
DOS / Utility / Microsoft
Microsoft Mouse 8.20 8.20
Mouse driver for DOS applications for DOS, Windows 2.x and 3.x, OS/2 1.2 & 1.3