Windows XP / Other / ABACRE
Abacre Restaurant Point of Sale
Abacre ARPOS 1.8 is a full featured restaurant POS in English and French
Windows 3.x / Office / Roykore, Inc.
ABC Flowcharter 1.03
ABC Flowcharter, from Roykore is a flow chart diagramming utility for Windows 2.x. It features the ability to link multiple charts together, and easily break procedures in to multiple steps. Includes program disk, and Windows run-time disks.
Windows 3.x / Office / Micrografx
ABC Flowcharter 3.0
ABC Flowcharter 3.0 - Micrografx Corporation December 22, 1993 MSRP: $495.00 s/n: 0601001053909501 OS: Windows 3.1 RAM: 4Mb Disk: 6Mb ABC Flowcharter, from Roykore/Micrografx is a flow chart diagramming utility for Windows. A program for creating flowcharts, diagrams, and other documents, this version features a tool bar that changes for the current feature being used. This is a 16-bit Windows 3.1 application. Has been run successfully on Windows XP SP3. - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 3.x / Office / Roykore
ABC Flowcharter 1.1 for Microsoft Windows 2.X 1.1
This is Roykore ABC Flowcharter version 1.1 for Microsoft Windows 2.X.
DOS / Office / Migent Inc
Ability 1.5
Ability is an easy WYSIWYG office suite for the IBM PC. It consists of six applications: Write, Spreadsheet, Database, Graph, Communicate, and Presentation. Spanish.
DOS / Office / Xanaro Technologies Inc.
Ability Demo Disk 1.0
Ability is an easy to use integrated office suite for the IBM PC. It consists of six applications: Write, spreadsheet, Database, Graph, Communicate, and Presentation. This is a redistributable set of 360k 5.25" demonstration disks dated 1984. Both ImageDisk and raw 360k image formats are included.
Windows 9x/ME / Office / Ability Plus
Ability Office 98
Ability Office is an office suite developed by Ability Plus Software and distributed and marketed by Ability Software International and which consists of a word processor, spreadsheet, database, plus a vector line drawing application.
DOS / Office / Migent Inc
Ability Plus 1.0 1.0
Ability Plus is an integrated software package written for DOS in the early 1980s. Development ceased in 1995 with the last build made in November 1997. Ability combined write, spreadsheet, database, graphing and communication functions in a single interface called the Library Screen. The main modules were written from the ground up to share as much code as possible so that, for example, a field in the write or database module would call on the same recalculation engine as the spreadsheet and the display and print routines were common to all modules.
DOS / Office / Migent Inc
Ability Word Processor 1.2
Ability word processor pre-installed, Ability Presentation (present.exe) included.
DOS / Utility / Joe Mack
Abort 1.0
A useful DOS TSR that forces the current running program to exit by pressing control+right shift. Great for poorly written DOS applications that hang or don't let you easily exit.
DOS / System / Above Software
Above Disc 2.00/B
This is a utility that Converts all the memory beyond 640k on your motherboard, all the RAM on your extended memory board, or up to 32Mb of memory on your hard disk to useable expanded memory. Operates on any IBM-Compatible computer regardless of speed. Supports LIM 4.0 and LIM 3.2 standards. Compatible with Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, Excel and Windows, Paradox, Quattro and Reflex, Autocad, Framework II, Pagemaker and many more programs.
DOS / Utility / TeleWare West, Inc.
Above DISC 3.0
Above DISC is an EMS emulator, which uses hard disk or extended memory to create EMS memory. It supports IBM PC, PC/XT, PC/AT, and other 386 class machines.
DOS / System / Above Software
Above Disc 3.00
This is a utility that Converts all the memory beyond 640k on your motherboard, all the RAM on your extended memory board, or up to 32Mb of memory on your hard disk to useable expanded memory. Operates on any IBM-Compatible computer regardless of speed. Supports LIM 4.0 and LIM 3.2 standards. Compatible with Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, Excel and Windows, Paradox, Quattro and Reflex, Autocad, Framework II, Pagemaker and many more programs.
DOS / Other / AndersonBell
ABstat 5.05 for IBM PC
ABstat is a statistical package that contains a variety of statistical functions, creates graphs, features a command language, and can directly use dBase files. Archive includes two 5.25 360k floppy disk images. Includes Kryoflux dumps and manual scan.
Unix / Games / Crack Dot Com
Abuse 0.8
Port of the classic game Abuse to the Simple DirectMedia Layer. Abuse will run at any colour depth and supports fullscreen mode, as well as many other new features. It should also be more portable and hopefully run on a variety of *nix variants, and possibly other systems supported by the SDL library.
BeOS / Games / Wildcard Design
Abuse 2.0
Shooter in the style of "Turrican" or "Metroid". Demo; use data from DOS version to gain access to more levels!
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Crack Dot Com
Abuse computer game
Side-scroller third-person sci-fi shooter. Innovative targeting system. Crack Dot Com's finest, and it's last IP before bankruptcy and Bungie Software's takeover.
Windows XP / Other / Renaissance Learning, Inc.
Accelerated Reader 6.1 6.1
Accelerated Reader (AR) was an application deployed in schools. The objective of it was to test how well a student has read and comprehended a book based on his/her reading level. The student's AR level was determined by taking a test called the STAR Test; however, a copy of the STAR test ISO to my knowledge does not exist. To get quizzes into AR one must have either 1) a disk containing quiz banks from AR themselves or 2) the time to read and come up with questions to make a quiz of between 5 and 20 questions in length. I don't have any AR banks, however I you can use the "Teacher-made" quiz feature to build your own quizzes. A serial number for AR is: E199-8502-E242-B005-01 This serial number is good for up to 200 students enrolled at any one given time. Note: the default password for the administrator program is "ADMIN" and case does not matter. Note: I sourced this from the Internet Archive if you'd like to see the original link:
Windows 3.x / Office / Accent Software International Ltd.
Accent Duo With Translation 2.0a (English - Spanish) 2.0a
Accent Duo With Translation combines a multilingual word processor with an interactive translation tool. English-Spanish/Spanish-English version for Windows 3.1 or up. // Acent Duo Con Traductor, conbina un procesador de texto multilengual con una herramienta de traduccion interactiva. Version Español-Ingles/Ingles-Español para Windows 3.1 o superior.
Access 2.0
Access 2.0 english. Read the README after download and unzip.
Access 2.0
Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. Portable version