DOS / System / IBM
IBM Nikki System Manager 1.2
IBM Nikki is a simplistic menuing system and file manager for DOS. Marked for IBM internal use only.
IBM Nikki System Manager 1.31
IBM Nikki is a simplistic menuing system and file manager for DOS. Marked for IBM internal use only.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.0 S.E. Version 2.0 Level 6H.177 - INCOMPLETE
This is a sadly incomplete copy of the OS/2 2.0 6.177 beta. "System" disk 1 of 14 is missing. and disk 3 is faulty. Perhaps it will help if someone else has a different incomplete copy. ------ The 6.177 Pre-release, also known as the "Limited Availability" release, was created as an end-of-year release to fulfill promises for a 1991 OS/2 2.0 "release". Notice that the labels do not indicate it is a pre-release. IBM actually provided a level of official support for this release. Archive includes nineteen 3.5" 1.44mb floppy disk images.
IBM OS/2 2.1 for Windows
IBM OS/2 2.1, that requires users to already have windows in order to get windows compatiblity.
OS/2 / OS / IBM / Microsoft
IBM OS/2 1.30 Extended Edition (de) 1.30
german installation disks - disk "Install" is modified to run in virtual machines like "VirtualBox". If you like to use PS/2 mouse you have to install the drivers manually. Use "MSPS201.SYS" for PS/2 mouse. To do so unpack the file "" from disk 2 (unpack c:\os2) and edit the config.sys file: DEVICE=C:\OS2\MSPS201.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS TYPE=MSPS2$
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 1.30.1 Extended Edition OS/2 1.30.1 EE
IBM OS/2 1.30.1 Extended Edition - English. Includes CSD WR05015. Ready for Virtual Machine installation - IMA disk images.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.0 (de) 2.0
IBM OS/2 2.0 german installation disks. Disk "Installationsdiskette.dsk" was modified because original kernel file was broken. I choose the kernel file from the us version.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.0 startup diskette 2.00
Boots the OS/2 command prompt. This is a single 3½-inch 1.44 MB startup diskette for IBM OS/2 version 2.00. Use it to view files on any FAT or HPFS hard disk drive, or use it as a Microsoft Windows 95 upgrade compliance diskette. See for IBM LOADDSKF.EXE and SAVEDSKF.EXE.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS2 2.1 MULTILINGUAL/MULTILENGUAJE VERSION CD + 2 BOOT DISK'S (.IMA) Languages/Lenguajes: Italian/Italiano, Brasil Portuguese/Portugués de Brasil, Danish/Danés, French/Frances, German/Alemán, Dutch/Holandés, Finnish/Finlandés, Norwegian/Noruego, Spanish/Español, UK English/Inglés Bretón, Swedish/Sueco.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.1 CDROM (de) 2.1
German installation disks and CDROM.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.1 Fixpack xrg6200 (de) 2.1
Modified Fixpack images of OS/2 2.1 xrg6200 (german) for direct use in virtual machines. Original image files cannot be used because of a license prefix in the binary image files.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.1 for Windows [Spanish] 2.1
OS/2 2.1, Spanish language, 1.44mb floppy disk version. This is the version that does not include the Windows subsystem, requiring you to already have Windows 3.1.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 2.11 (de) CDROM 2.11
German installation Disks and CDROM.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 32-Bit Pre-release Revision 6.123
Likely the first OS/2 2.0 beta distributed by IBM, from April 1991. No WPS, no Windows, no Boot Manager, no built-in DOS 5. The last OS/2 2.0 made by Microsoft.
OS/2 / System / IBM
IBM OS/2 LAN Server 1.2
BM LAN Server was a close cousin to Microsoft LAN Manager and was designed to run on top of OS/2
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Version 1.30 Extended Edition 1.30
IBM OS/2 Version 1.30 Extended Edition 16-bit for i286/i386 or superior. US English. Contains one Boot Disk, five OS/2 1.30 Installation Disks, nine Extended Edition Installation Disks plus three Presentation Manager Installation Disks. All files are IMA 1440 disk images, ready to be used with VirtualBox. The disk images can also be open with WinImage, burned to 3 1⁄2-inch 1.44MB disks or converted to other formats as well. Patched files (BASEDD01.SYS, BASEDD02.SYS and BASEDD03.SYS) in OS2_INSTALL.IMA against the infamous TRAP 0000 (CX=0000 and AX=86A0) error, allowing OS/2 1.30 to be installed on faster machines or virtualized under VirtualBox(tested with VirtualBox 6.1.16 r140961).
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp 3 / 4 Fixpack CD German 3.0 / 4.0
Fixpack-CD (non official build) for German OS/2 Warp 3.00 and 4.00 including fixpack "XRGW040" and "XRGM015". Just burn on CD and start "ServiceW30" or "ServiceW40" on a command prompt from CD. -Or- copy and unzip the archive and start from there. YOU DON'T NEED FLOPPIES FOR THIS!
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.0 (de) 4.0
OS/2 Warp 4.0 German CD, internal revision 9.023
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.52 (de) 4.52
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.52 (Merlin Convenience Package 2, MCP2). Internal version 14.089
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.52 (pt-br) 4.52
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.52 em Português Brasil
OS/2 / System / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp Bonus Pack 3.0
IBM Bonus Pack for OS/2 shipped with OS/2 Warp 3 / Connect. Includes FaxWorks HyperTerminal, IBM Works, Peer 2 Peer and SysInfo
OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.
IBm OS/2 Warp Connect Demo 3
VERY rare OS/2 Warp Connect Demo OS/2 WARP DEMO INCLUDING WARP CONNECT Latest demo of OS/2 Warp with extra info about OS/2 Warp Connect from IBM. "Can your software do THIS?" [Simple demo made to run in DOS/WIN]
OS/2 / OS / Ibm Corp.
IBM OS/2 Warp Demo 3
VERY Rare IBM OS Warp Demo app that runs in DOS. ** OS/2 WARP DEMO ** Jan 20, '95 from IBM. See how much of your computer has been wasted because of DOS's inability to multitask, protect applications in memory, provide more than 640k base memory, run 272 applications simultaneously, run Windows, DOS, AND OS/2 apps simultaneously! See what your computer is actually capable of! Runs in DOS. Shows how rediculous DOS/Windows is!
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4 (de) 4.0
IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4 is the server version of OS/2 Warp 3 released in 1996.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/2 Warp Server for eBusiness 4.52 (de) 4.52
IBM OS/2 Warp Server for eBusiness 4.52 (Aurora Convenience Package 2, ACP2). Internal version 14.089
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS/400 V3R1M0
OS/400 (now known as IBM i, previously i5/OS) is the operating system of the AS/400 (now Power Systems, previously System i) series of minicomputers by IBM. It is the replacement for CPF for the System/38 and SSP for the System/36. In addition to a consistent programming environment and a user-friendly interface, it features advanced features not seen in other platforms such as tagged memory, single-level storage, is exclusively written in managed languages.
OS/2 / OS / IBM
IBM OS2 1.30.x Extended Edition and 2.0 Service Pak Dec 1992
This CDROM contains both the OS/2 2.0 Service Pak (XR06055) and the OS/2 1.3x Extended Edition Service Pak (XR05100), as well as a series of fixes to allow OS/2 1.3x Extended Edition to be installed on the IBM PS/2 95xx and IBM PS/VP series of machines. Also included is the IBM C Set/2 compiler CSD 28.
Unix / OS / IBM
IBM OS400 V3R1M0 V3R1
IBM AS/400, V3R1 tape images. Only runs on IBM AS/400 servers
DOS / Other / Ibm Corp.
The IBM Pascal Compiler/2 is is a high function Pascal language compiler that can run under IBM Disk Operating System Version 3.3 or IBM Operating System/2 (TM). It contains many new features while maintaining a high level of compatibility with IBM Pascal
DOS / Communication / IBM
IBM PC 3270 Emulation Program 2.00
This is a program use for communication with IBM mainframes. To use this software, you also need a special IBM interface card that speak the hardware protocol used by the IBM mainframes. Oh, and you need an IBM mainframe :)
DOS / System / IBM
IBM PC 5140 Convertible Startup & Diagnostics Disk 1.03
This is bootable Startup and Diagnostics disk for IBM PC 5140 Convertible computer. It includes 3.5" 720KB 2 disks (Disk Image) from original disks. (No modifed, No error)
DOS / Utility / IBM
IBM PC Advanced Diagnostics Disk 2.20
The IBM Personal Computer ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS version 2.20 IBM 1981, 1985
DOS / System / IBM / Microsoft
IBM PC-DOS 1.00 Released in 1981 by IBM For the IBM PC model 5150 Image quality: Verified as unmodified. This is the first version of IBM PC-DOS released by IBM for the IBM Personal Computer. It was based off of 86-DOS written by Tim Patterson for Seattle Computer Products machines, bought by Microsoft, and licensed to IBM. This version only supports single sided 5.25" (160K) floppy drives. It does not support hard drives or subdirectories. Although it may boot on some clones, the included BASIC requires IBM's BASIC in ROM. This archive includes one 160K disk image in ImageDisk, Raw, Teledisk, Transcopy, and PSI formats. Important: This disk image is formatted for DOS 1.x which may not be recognized by WinImage. We recommend you use ImageDisk to write this to a floppy disk, or use the Raw image with an emulator. DOS 1.x does not include the "55 AA" signature at the end of its boot sector. This signature was added later and intended for use with hard disks. However, many IBM PC clones will refuse to boot a floppy if this signature is not present. If you manually use a hex editor to add this signature to the boot sector, DOS 1.x will boot on most clones.
IBM PC DOS .90 0.90
IBM PC DOS pre-release. Boots and is functional per DOS 1.0 standards.
IBM PC DOS 2000 2000
First you may be wondering why this archive is so big. It's because this archive contains images of all 6 1.44MB floppy disks in VFD format and IMG format, and I have a 3rd directory that has all the floppies uncompressed into a single directory. I also have a PDF of the manual which, by itself, ads over 23MB to the archive. (All of this makes for a bigger download, but it gives people more options and makes for a very complete collection.) This is the FULL INSTALL of IBM PC DOS 2000. This is not an upgrade version, and it is not just a bootable disk. Also note that this is actually PC DOS 2000, and not just PC DOS 7 with Y2K upgrade. The file dates of PC DOS 7 are 11/17/1994. The file dates for PC DOS 2000 are 4/30/1998. Finally, I placed all 6 disks onto a photo scanner, scanned the front of the disks, and I'm including a high res scan of that image in this archive. I'm also including a high res scan of the front cover of the manual. Unfortunately I could not find a PDF copy for IBM PC DOS 2000, so the PDF I'm including is for IBM PC DOS 7. However, there is no technical difference between PC DOS 2000 and 7. PC DOS 2000 was just a Y2K fix, but is otherwise identical to PC DOS 7. So the PDF I'm including is the same, it just doesn't say "IBM PC DOS 2000" on it, whereas the manual that comes in the box with PC DOS 2000 actually does say "IBM PC DOS 2000" on the cover. I believe this is the most complete package you will find for IBM PC DOS 2000.
IBM PC DOS 2000 7.0r1
IBM PC DOS 2000 / ISO CD-ROM file
DOS / OS / IBM / Microsoft
IBM PC DOS 3.10 (04-22-1985) 3.10 (04-22-1985)
This is IBM PC DOS version 3.10. Version date is 04-22-1985. This includes 2EA of 5.25" 360KB Floppy Disk Image.
DOS / OS / IBM / Microsoft
IBM PC DOS 3.30 3.30
This is IBM PC DOS 3.30. It includes 3.5" 720KB 1 disk (Disk Image) from original disk.
IBM PC DOS 3.30 NL 3.30
These are teledisk images of the dutch version of PC DOS 3.30. There were two 5,25" 360k and one 3,5" 720k floppies in the original package. D330NL.TD0 -> image of the 3,5" floppy D330NL1.TD0 -> image of the 5,25" boot disk D330NL2.TD0 -> image of the 5,25" operating disk
DOS / OS / IBM / Microsoft
IBM PC DOS 4.00 (06-17-1988) 4.00
This is the original release of PC-DOS 4.00. Bugs and all! It includes two 720k disk images in raw/winimage format. IBM DOS 4.00 was IBM's first in-house development effort with DOS. Most current downloads out there claiming to be 4.00, are actually 4.01. Do not confuse 4.01 with this version. IBM shipped 4.01 without changing the "4.00" version IDs, either in the kernel, the command processor, within the documentation, or even the exterior packaging. As a result, there are only two ways to tell the difference between 4.00 and 4.01: 1: IBM's floppy disk label will read "Version 4.00" or "Version 4.01" 2: 4.01 will have some files dated 08-03-1988.
DOS / OS / IBM / Microsoft
IBM PC DOS 4.00 (08-03-1988) 4.00
This is IBM PC DOS 4.00 (08-03-1988). It includes 3.5" 720KB 2 disks (Disk Image) from original disks.
IBM PC DOS 7 7/2000
IBM PC DOS CD boot CD image complete with the DOS Year 2000 Fixpack which makes it PC DOS 2000. Unique features include REXX programming language, RAMBOOST to optimize memory, E editor with pull down menus, edit and view multiple files. All you need is this CD and boot from it all the utilities to install are included.
DOS / System / IBM
IBM PC Local Area Network Program Version 1.10
The IBM PC Local Area Network Program (previous named "IBM PC Network Program") is an IBM rebadged version of Microsoft's MS-NET (later Lan Manager). It is a program that lets any workstation on a network share resources, such as drives or printers, with other workstations. The Installation Aid disk contains software that guides you through installation and configuration of the software. This software requires a NetBIOS driver for your specific network card. NetBIOS drivers for IBM Token Ring cards are provided on the "IBM LAN Support" disk.
DOS / System / IBM
IBM PC Network Program 1.00
The IBM PC Network Program (Later named "IBM PC Local Area Network Program") is an IBM rebadged version of Microsoft's MS-NET (later Lan Manager). It is a program that lets any workstation on a network share resources, such as drives or printers, with other workstations. The Installation Aid disk contains software that guides you through installation and configuration of the software. This software requires a NetBIOS driver for your specific network card. NetBIOS drivers for IBM Token Ring cards are provided on the "IBM LAN Support" disk.