Category: Office

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DOS / Mosaic Software


Twin Advanced v 2.4B

A 123 Clone


DOS / Filosoft



word processor


Windows 3.x / ExperVision, Inc.



OCR with HP AccuPage Install from HD more information: readme-131.txt inside


DOS / 1988 Software Publishing Corporation


TYPEWRITER early file from 1980 most from 1985 .with a batch file from 2000.socan be run from later computers.with this electronic typewriter you can do more that the mechanical version .you can address envelopes.fill in preprinted forms.type mailing labels.write short memo!s notes and lists .f1 help.f2 instructions.f3 change mode.f4 set margins.f5 set tab.f6 clear tab.f7 specify printer.f8 page feed. WITH A TYPEWRITER run from prompt .type .TYPEWRIT.EXE .probable used originally on the xt but will run on later os.


DOS / Kriya Systems


Typing Tutor 1983

Great typing tutor program with sound. Has look and feel of a game.


Windows NT/2000 / Ian D. Mead


UltraEdit 2.01b

UltraEdit-32 Text/Binary Editor 2.01 Text/Hex editor, unlimited file size. Column edit with column fill,cut,delete, insert squential number. HEX edit with cut/copy/paste. Macros, bookmarks, find/replace, word-wrap, fixup CR/LF. Auto indentation, backup file, context sensitive help, line/column display, multiple windows on same file, font selection, print preview, goto, drag and drop, and more.....


Windows 3.x / Ian D. Mead


UltraEdit 2.11

Small and fast text editor for Win 3.x


DOS / PM Ware Inc.


UltraScript PC 3.01

UltraScript is a software Adobe Postscript interpreter and rendering engine. It can print Postscript files on non-postscript printers or laser imagesetters - aka Soft RIP.


DOS / Unibyte Tecnologia



Editor de textos Brasileiro de 1990 para MS-DOS totalmente em modo grafico. Unitexto versao 4.25 por Unibyte Tecnologia Disponibilizado por Marcos Velasco em 17/07/2018 No diretorio SCREEN contém as screen shots do Unitexto. NO diretório UNITEXTO contém o programa editor já instalado, basta copiar para o "C:\UNITEXTO" Para executar digite "UNIT". Há a opção de utilizar emuladores como DOXBOX ou VDOS em computadores com sistemas atuais e de 64bits.


BeOS / unknown


Universal Print 1.0


Windows 9x/ME / QUE


Using Access 97 Second Edition

The book "Using Access 97 Second Edition" in PDF format. This book teaches how to use Microsoft Access, and includes some advanced techniques.


DOS / Unknow



Tool for the calculation of structures (beams, trusses, walls, etc.). Spanish.


DOS / 2.00 for Epson QX-10


Valdocs 2.00 for Epson QX-10

Valdocs is an office suite that was bundled with the Epson QX-10 (and later QX-16) Z80 based computer. It was "WYSIWYG" in that it could display different fonts of different sizes in the editor on the screen. It could also embed images in the document, and print the document to a graphics printer. Valdocs 2 included significant speed improvements over the original Valdocs 1 release - which was heavily criticized for its sluggishness. However Valdocs 2 was released before it was ready and was extremely buggy. Valdocs runs under RSI's TPM-III operating system, which is included on the floppy disks. The system is designed to run from dual floppy drives, but may be installed on a Comprex ComFiler 10 megabyte external hard drive. This version is specifically for the QX-10. This archive contains five 5.25" DSDD TPM-III formatted floppy disk images in ImageDisk, SCP, and Kryoflux formats. The disks are as follows: 01 - Load-Time 02 - Run-Time 03 - Utilities 04 - Demo and Master Help files 05 - Data and Master Help files


DOS / Rising Star Industries


Valdocs Plus for Epson QX-10 (5.25)

Valdocs is an office suite that was bundled with the Epson QX-10 (and later QX-16) Z80 based computer. It was "WYSIWYG" in that it could display different fonts of different sizes in the editor on the screen. It could also embed images in the document, and print the document to a graphics printer. Valdocs Plus is an upgrade to Valdocs 2.0 created after Rising Star Industries parted ways with Epson. This version is specifically for the QX-10. This archive contains six 5.25" DSDD TPM-III formatted floppy disk images in ImageDisk, SCP, and Kryoflux formats. 01 - Load 02 - Run 1 03 - Run 2 04 - Utilities 05 - Help 06 - Data


DOS / Microsoft


VBRUN100.dll 1.00

Required to run some programs for Visual Basic for DOS


DOS / Visual Communications Network, Inc.


VCN ExecuVision Graphics Library 1984

This is library 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 of the six graphics clipart libraries originally sold alongside VCN ExecuVision. Visual Communications Network's ExecuVision was the first business presentation package for the IBM PC. It was targeted at business professionals, and was advertised as a complete graphics art department on a computer. It was also notable for it's clipart collection, which was also a first. Important: These diks are formatted for DOS 1.x and will not open in tools like Winimage. Important: These disk contains copy protection. Although it does not contain program code, the ExecuVision software may refuse to recognize the disk if the protection is not present. You must use a Kryoflux, SCP, or Transcopy to fully re-create the disk. Other programs may be able to use the data files without the protection.


DOS / M M Creation


Vectoria 3D 3.0

Dessin Vectoriel 3D pour Dos Prend en charge les fichier DXF


DOS / Ventura Software


Ventura Publisher 1.04 Beta

Ventura Publisher, originally from Xerox, is a professional desktop publishing program for the GEM graphical environment and later Windows. This release includes a runtime version of Digital Research GEM. This archive includes eleven 5.25" floppy disk images. Note: Install requires your "mouse distribution disk" if you select a mouse that uses MOUSE.COM.



Ventura Publisher 1.09 Beta

Image quality: Incomplete. This set is missing Disk 1, that contains the main application program.


DOS / Xerox


Ventura Publisher 1.1

Ventura Publisher 1.1 is a desktop publishing program from Xerox. It runs on DOS and uses the GEM graphical environment. This archive contains file zips of each disk, disk images, and label scans. To install, unzip the S1 zips to a folder and SUBST the folder for A:. Or use ImageDisk 1.18 to write the images to 360k disks. Original source is Bitsavers.


DOS / Ventura Software


Ventura Publisher 1.1H Beta

Ventura Publisher, originally from Xerox, is a professional desktop publishing program for the GEM graphical environment and later Windows.


DOS / Ventura Software Inc.e


Ventura Publisher 1.1K Beta

Ventura Publisher, originally from Xerox, is a professional desktop publishing program for the GEM graphical environment and later Windows.


DOS / Ventrua Software


Ventura Publisher 1.1P Beta

Ventura Publisher, originally from Xerox, is a professional desktop publishing program for the GEM graphical environment and later Windows.


DOS / Xerox


Ventura Publisher 2.0

Ventura Publisher 2.0 is a desktop publishing program from Xerox. It runs on DOS and uses the GEM graphical environment. This archive contains file zips of each disk. To install, unzip the zips to a folder and SUBST the folder for A:. Or unzip each to a floppy disk. The real credit goes to Bitsavers for archiving this fine piece of software.


DOS / Ventura Software Inc.


Ventura Publisher 2.0


Windows 3.x / Ventura Software Inc.


Ventura Publisher 4.1 for Windows

Ventura Publisher 4.1 is a professional desktop publishing program for Windows.


Windows 3.x / Corel Corporation


Ventura Publisher 4.2

Corel Ventura Publisher 4.2 - Corel Corporation November 01, 1993 7 - 1.44 Mb floppies OS: Windows 3.1 This archive consists of separate zip files of each of the 7-diskette set. Desktop Publishing Software (DTP) Formerly Xerox Vetnura Publisher, Corel acquired the rights to VP and had the product on the shelves in late fall 1993 under the Corel banner. Chapter-based, Ventura Publisher is a page layout and publishing suite. For a time, it reigned supreme as the toolset of choice for the very best in professional and commercial printed publications. Every possiblibilty was available; From custom page/paper sizes, to font mixing and matching, and full graphics capabilites. The resulting document could be printed in-house - or sent directly to offset printers without forther work. Corel Ventura Publisher 4.2 is the initial release under the Corel name. Except for a few minor changes, this was just a bundling of Ventura Publisher 4.1.1, DataBase Publisher and Corel fonts and clipart in order to get the product on the shelves with the Corel name. - AppleSeed 2017 -


Windows 3.x / Ventura Software Inc.


Ventura Publisher 3.0 3.0

Ventura Publisher was a very popular desktop publishing application for PCs. This version was the first for Microsoft Windows. This file includes 4 720k disk images: 3 installation disks and a last minute update patch disk. The setup and applications are 16-bit Windows 3.0 executables.


DOS / Xerox Desktop Software, Inc.


Ventura Publisher 3.0 3.0

Xerox Ventura Publisher DOS 3.0 ITA - Xerox Desktop Software, Inc. December 06, 1990 MSRP - $700.00 The package requires a 286- or 386- based PC with DOS 3.0 or later. High end Destktop Publishing software (DTP). Was the reigning king of DTP in 1990. Going to need some diskettes (7-720Kb) or some virtual floppies for this installer to work. - AppleSeed -


Windows 3.x / Ventura Software Inc.


Ventura Publisher 4.0 4.0

This is version 4.0 of Ventura Publisher for Microsoft Windows. This file includes 7 720k disk images: 4 installation disks, 2 gallery disks, and a 4.01 upgrade disk. The setup and applications are 16-bit Windows 3.0 executables.


DOS / Xerox Desktop Software, Inc.


Ventura Publisher for PC GEM 3.0

This is the DOS version of the Ventura Publisher 3.0 desktop publishing software that uses the GEM graphical environment. This archive includes 7 720k disk images. Source:​_PC_Compatibles_TOSEC_2012_04_​23


DOS / n/a


VENUS Word Processor 1.0

Thai-English WYSIWYG DOS Word Processor


DOS / Applied Software Technology


VersaForm 2.7

VersaForm is a business oriented database based around business forms and procedures. It features easy integrated form creation, entry, and reporting.


DOS / Xerox


VGA adapter 800x600 and 1024x768 drivers for Ventura Publisher 1 1.1 - 2.0

High Resolution drivers for use with Ventura Publisher.


DOS / Manx Software System, Inc


VI Editor for DOS 1.0r

VI editor for DOS (can learn vi editor without UNIX OS)


Windows 9x/ME / IBM


Via voice 98 --

English (UK) Version/ Version Française/ Deutsche Version/ Versione Italiana/ Version Español (Unzip all zip files in the same folder, then unzip 7z to retrieve the ISO file)


DOS / VisiCorp


Visi On Calc 1.0

Visi On Calc is a spreadsheet that runs under the Visi On graphical operating environment. The application runs as a window in a graphical user interface and integrates with the other Visi On applications such as Visi On Graph and Visi On Word. Note that despite the similar name, this product is not directly related to VisiCalc. This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format. Note: the Applications Manager must be installed first.


DOS / VisiCorp


Visi On Graph 1.0

Visi On Graph is a graphing and plotting program for the Visi On graphical operating environment. The application runs as a window in a graphical user interface, draws graphics directly in the live window, and integrates with the other Visi On applications such as Visi On Calc and Visi On Word. This product is not directly related to the DOS based VisiPlot This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format. Note: Applications manager must be installed first.


DOS / VisiCorp


Visi On Plan 1.2

Visi On Plan, formerly Visi On Calc, is a spreadsheet that runs under the Visi On graphical operating environment. This does not seem to work under the original release of Visi-On. It is believed that a revised Visi On Application Manger labeled as Version 1.0(1) is required.


DOS / VisiCorp


Visi On Word 1.0

Visi On Word is a "what you see is what you get" word processor for the Visi On graphical operating environment. The application runs as a window, and text appears bold, italicized, or underlined, just as it would on a compatible printer. It also integrates with the other Visi On applications such as Visi On Calc and Visi On Graph. Despite the similar name, this product is not directly related to the DOS based VisiWord. This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format. Note: Applications manager must be installed first.


DOS / Lotus Software


VisiCalc 1.0

The original IBM PC Version of VISICALC


DOS / VisiCorp


VisiCalc 1.1

VisiCorp VisiCalc was the original spreadsheet program for the IBM PC, Apple II, and Atari 800 computers. Note: This software is copy protected. The "Files" folder contains an unprotected version that is ready to run. The Images folder contains a Copy II PC/Snatchit image that will recreate an original 160k disk with the copy protection intact. The Images folder also contains a raw 160k disk image with a different unprotect that will permit you to run VisiCalc in an emulator. This enables you to boot the disk directly, which contains PC-DOS 1.1, and use both 80-column VisiCalc and 40-column VisiCalc.


DOS / Software Arts


VisiCalc 1.76

Conceived by Dan Bricklin, refined by Bob Frankston, developed by their company Software Arts, and distributed by Personal Software. Considered to be the first spreadsheet program for PCs.


Windows XP / Personal Software / Lotus


Visicalc 1.x

VisiCalc the original Spreadsheet, ported from the Apple ][ to the PC. The Commands are exactly the same on both Apple and PC so the included cheat sheet from the Apple ][ is useable


DOS / VisiCorp


VisiCalc IV v2.0

VisiCalc IV adds graphing, sorting, arranging columns, and keysaver macros. It does this by including StretchCalc. StretchCalc was a third party VisiCalc add-on from Multisoft Corp that added this functionality to previous VisiCalc versions. This archive contains one 320K floppy disk image in Copy 2 PC + Snatchit, Transcopy, Kryoflux, and SuperCard Pro format. Important: This software contains copy protection, and no unprotect is known to exist. To recreate a functional disk, you must use one of the included formats to write it. It appears it may skip the copy protection check if it is run from a hard drive.


DOS / Software Arts, Inc


Visicalc 1.0 1.0

Firs Spreadsheet in the market.


DOS / Software Arts Products Corp.


VisiCalc Advanced Version for IBM PC

VisiCalc Advanced is historically important as it was both the last version of VisiCalc (Provided by Software Arts), and the late delivery date threw VisiCorp in to a litigious battle with Software Arts, the actual authors of VisiCalc. VisiCorp blamed this delay for harming their reputation and revenue, rather than their failure to market the product, but either way it played a major part in VisiCorp's demise. The "Advanced" capabilities include: Variable Column widths Expanded formatting option Flexible printer control financial functions a smart help facility Microsoft mouse support full word prompts keystroke memory (macros) Earlier "Advanced" versions were released for the Apple II and Apple III. This archive contains one 320K disk image in raw and ImageDisk format. This disk is formatted for DOS 1.x. Some tools like WinImage may not open it. This software is NOT copy protected.


DOS / VisiCorp


VisiCorp VisiCalc VC-202Y2-IBM

VisiCorp VisiCalc was the original spreadsheet program for the IBM PC, Apple II, and Atari 800 computers. It was later overtaken by Lotus 1-2-3. This version enables use of up to 512K of ram Important: This software is copy protected. It has been tested to run in the PCE emulator. Archive includes one 5.25" 160K floppy disk image. This disk is formatted for DOS 1.x, and may not open in utilities like ImageDisk.


Windows 9x/ME / Visio Corp


Visio 2000 Professional

Visio is a flow-chart diagramming program for Microsoft Windows originally from Shapeware/Visio Corp. Visio was specifically designed as a flow charting tool rather than a generic drawing tool. It featured easy to use drag-and-drop diagram creation, and shipped with a wide variety of stencils. In 2000 Visio Corp was acquired by Microsoft. It competed with Aldus Intellidraw and Micrografx Snapgraphics and Meta Software's MetaDesign.


Windows 9x/ME / VISIO


Visio 4 4

Flowcharting program


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