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DOS / Zenith Data Systems
zenith Z-100 pc series diagnostics z-100
diagnostic disc to test floppy drives Winchester drives ports installed boards and lots more two files took some getting off the disc but seem to have copies ok 51 files lots of interest on this disc
DOS / Zenith Data Systems
Zenith ISA Configuration Utility 2.0
Zenith Z-400+ Series utility to set up Hard Drive parameters, floppy drive type and many settings that would be in a normal on-board BIOS. This utility is the only way you can set up a Z-400, especially if it has a dead CMOS battery. Replace the battery. Use WinRAR to unpack the .EXE file. Copy the file into a folder or directory and type 3344-1u.exe. The file will unpack itself in the directory. Copy the files to a floppy disk. Make the disk bootable or use a regular DOS boot disk first. Then, insert the Zenith Utility disk. From the files list, run CF.EXE. The Hard drive parameters should be automatically set by the program. Select your settings for your machine. The program will save the new config to the floppy and to nvram on the computer. Restart. It should boot with the drive now. Enjoy! Note: Confirmed to work on a ZU-425S 486 Desktop
DOS / E. Meyer
ZIP - Fast File Transfer 1.52
ZIP is a tiny, fast utility to transfer files between two IBM compatible computers throughout a serial cable.
Windows 3.x / Synaptek Software
Zip Wizard Pro 2.0
Zip Wizard Pro provides dual mode operation for novices and advanced users. Zip and UnZip Wizards to guide you step by step through all operations. │ Extensive tutorial gets you up and going fast and effectively. Our unique IntelliZip technology makes Zipping simple, eliminating the need to configure options. Our exclusive Zip List put your Zip files at your finger tips. Full support for disk splitting and encryption. Built in Zip Pro Navigator gives you tightly integrated zip and file management, providing a full drag and drop environment for advanced users. │
Zip/Unzip 5.41
This directory contains executables for BeOS, both Intel/AMD/etc. (x86) chips and PowerPC. Note that BeOS R4 and later ship with UnZip 5.31 executables already installed in /bin.
DOS / Not specified
zipdate (none given)
ZIPDATE sets the Date of ZIP-Archives to the date of the newest file inside.
Windows 3.x / Andrew Cowley
Zoosave Screensaver
ZooSave is a Microsoft Windows screen saver module that flashes messages up on the screen in the same way that they are flashed up on the TV screens at a U2 ZooTV concert. You can set the speed of the messages, the font used for displaying the messages and you have full control over the messages that are displayed.
DOS / Zortech
Zortech C++ 3.0r4
C and C++ compiler for DOS and OS/2 1.x (16-bit). Includes the Engineering and Science Edition.
Windows XP / Zedtech, Inc.
Ztree 1.41
ZTree is a powerful 32bit text-mode file & directory manager, modeled closely on the legendary XTreeGold(tm), but enhanced to for today's popular operating systems.
DOS / Other
ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ для пpогpаммиста на pусском языке!
Уникальная ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ для пpогpаммиста на pусском языке! Содеpжит огpомное количество инфоpмации как по аpхитектуpе компьютеpа (команды 86/286 пpоцессоpа, сохpанившиеся и в Pentium, стpуктуpа CMOS-памяти, таблица pазделов жесткого диска, пpеpывания ROM-BIOS...) так и по устpойству системы MS-DOS (функции и пpеpывания DOS, PSP, FCB, EPB, BPB, MCB, заголовок EXE-файла, стpуктуpа FAT, коды ошибок, спецификация EMS, пеpеменные окpужения, дpайвеp ANSI, стpуктуpа файла CONFIG.SYS...). Все это лишь кpаткий и неполный пеpечень того, что есть в спpавочнике! Инфоpмация хоpошо стpуктуpиpована (упоpядочена по pазделам) и поэтому ее легко найти