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Office / Satellite Software International
WordPerfect 5.1
This is WordPerfect 5.1 for Xenix. Unpack all the disks (tar -xvf /dev/dsk/f0q18d ) from where I wanted it to live (say /usr/wordperfect) then run the ./wpinstall installer. I don't have the key file, so use all zero's which should give you a single user install.
Office / WordPerfect Corporation
WordPerfect 6.0a
WordPerfect for DOS 6.0a - UK English - WordPerfect Corporation October 23, 1993 Archive consists of 7 - 1.44Mb diskette image files. The most popular word processor of its era with extensive video and printer drivers. No serial required. - AppleSeed 2017 -
Office / WordPerfect Corporation
WordPerfect 3.0 for DOS 3.0
From WPDOS - A Chronology of Versions: Note: When running WPDOS 3.0 for the first time, enter "wp/s" (no space; not "wp /s") for a setup menu. Inside the program, Alt-+ or Alt-= brings up the Exit menu, Alt-1 (not Alt-F1) is the Cancel key, and Shift-F3 provides help for the next key you press, but does not provide a keyboard map.
Office / WordPerfect Corporation
WordPerfect 5.0 5.0
10 WordPerfect disks. -WordPerfect 1-WordPerfect 2 -WordPerfect Connections Async Gateway -WordPerfect Connections -WordPerfect Fonts-Graphics-PTR Program -WordPerfect Learning v4.2 -WordPerfect Learning-Conversion -WordPerfect Printer 1 Printer 2 v4.2 -WordPerfect Printer 1 Printer 2 -WordPerfect Printer 3 Printer 4 -WordPerfect Speller-Thesaurus
Office / WordPerfect Corporation
WordPerfect 5.1 Language Modules 5.1
Spelling checkers & hyphenation for English (US & UK), French (FR), Spanish (ES), Sweadish (SV) & The Netherlands (NL).
Office / WordPerfect Corp
WordPerfect 5.1+ (UK) 5.1 Plus (UK)
Wordperfect 5.1+ UK edition (UK Spelling for Colour etc) Disk Images and Hdd install folder. Plus PDF Book Macro's -
Office / SSI/Corel
WordPerfect 6 for DOS 6.0
The very first WYSIWYG DOS-based word processor, the most popular DOS-based word processor ever. Includes full installation and additional font disks. Disk images created with CopyQM (included), a respected DOS-based disk imager that works well under DOS and Win9x but a little finicky under WinXP.
Office / Novell, Inc.
WordPerfect 6.1 for DOS 6.1
Novell WordPerfect for DOS 6.1 - Novell Corporation August 08, 1995 *** This archive consists of 7 - 1.44 Meg diskettes in IMG format, several screen and product shots and this information file. A SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS PROVIDED FOR THE APPLICATIONS IN THIS ARCHIVE. *** s/n 1WP60XI0521351 *** WordPerfect 6.1 for DOS - © 1995 Novell Corporation Do not adjust your browser -- you are not seeing double. This is indeed a DOS version of WordPerfect released by Novell after acquiring it from Wordperfect Corp. Novell incorporated many of the new features of its Windows version into the DOS version, and made it the only DOS word processor with Windows-like right-click pop-up menus in both DOS text and graphics modes. - AppleSeed 2017 -
Office / WordPerfect Corp.
WordPerfect Executive 1.0 (6-5-1990)
WordPerfect Executive is a stripped down version of the WordPerfect word processor optimized for use on 3.5" floppy-only laptops. Also includes a spreadsheet, calendar, calculator, card file, and telephone list.
Communication / WordPerfect Corporation
WordPerfect Office 3.0 for LANS 3.0
WordPerfect Office 3.0 for LANS - Wordperfect Corporation 14 June 1990 ***This archive consists of 4 separate ZIPS, each holding the contents of 1 360K diskette, several screen and product shots and this information file. A SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS NOT REQUIRED FOR THE APPLICATIONS IN THIS ARCHIVE.*** WordPerfect Office 3.0 for LANS A utility suite with networking, group scheduling, and e-mail in LAN versions, with multi-server support; first released for DOS, including Shell and other DOS utilities. WordPerfect Office 3.0 for DOS, complete package on 3.5" and 5.25" diskettes. Includes WordPerfect Shell, Calendar, Editor, Notebook and File Manager. The five-user version of Wordperfect Office is $495 and the 20-user is $1,495. - AppleSeed 2017 -
WordPerfect Presentations 2.0 for DOS
WordPerfect Presentations is a business presentation and graphing program for DOS.
Office / WordPerfect Corporation
WordPerfect Works 1.0 for DOS
WordPerfect Works is an integrated office productivity package for DOS that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, drawing program, database, and a communications program. German language version.
Other / Lifetree Software Inc.
Words and Figures 1.01
Words and Figures is a Lotus 1-2-3 1A compatible spreadsheet clone that includes a word processor. Its primary feature is that it can share "live" data between an open spreadsheet and a document.
Office / MicroPro International
Last DOS version WordStar, the word processor, before Windows version. para instalar desde diskette (1.44) install from diskette (1.44) serial 32468803, see readme.txt & serial.txt inside, to install use WSSETUP.COM
Office / MicroPro International
Wordstar 6.0 en espa?ol 6.0
Edicion especial de informatica facil, que NO incorpora las siguientes funciones: Vista previa de pagina Editor grafico (INSET) Diccionario ortografico y el de sinonimos Gestor de bases de datos para mailings Programa de comunicaciones para conectarse con servicios de correo electronico BBS
Office / MicroPro International
Wordstar 7.0d 7.0d
This is a fully working and clean copy of Wordstar 7.0d All options are installed except for the printers. Download the vDos version if you want to use Wordstar in Windows.