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Access 2.0
Access 2.0 english. Read the README after download and unzip.
Access 2.0
Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. Portable version
Access 2.0
Microsoft Access 2.0 português Brazil com 9 disco de instalação de 1.5.
Windows 3.x / Companion Disk
Access Advisor 9306 to 9410
Many of these files must be used with a specific version of Access. Files provided on this Access Advisor Companion Disks may be text format .TXT files, readable by any editor. Such files may contain several routines.
Windows 3.x / Ace Software Corp.
AceFile Database for Windows 3.0
AceFile Dattabase for Windows 3.0 - Ace Software Corp. 1740 Technology Drive #680, San Jose CA, 95110 December 18, 1993 List: $199.00 AceFile is midrange database product with broad feature set. In addition to using dBASE III PLUS data files as its native format, AceFile includes graphing, phone dialer, and mailmerge facility with text editor. - Directly reads/writes .DBF files - Can join 2 databases to a 3rd. - Crosstab analysis ans reporting. - Graphing and Charting - Bitmap graphics in BMP, PCX, TIFF can be used on all reports, labels and forms. - Telephone dialer. - Premade templates include Order Entry/Inventory, Checkbook/Payables, Employee rerecords. Installation: Unpack all 4 archives to a directory off (root) ie C:\ACE_SRC and run install or: Copy files from each archive to a separate 1.44 diskette to run installation from floppy. Requirements: Windows 3.1 386 processor 2Mb RAM 6MB disk space - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 3.x / Lotus Software
Approach 2.1
2 floppy version. Not totally sure of the details, e.g. year and so on. Haven't tried to install it, but disks were imaged fine.
Windows 3.x / Approach Software Corporation
Approach for Windows 2.01
Approach is a relational database management system. Approach promises "instant productivity" with its WYSIWYG form and report designer, and is compatible with many existing database formats. Approach started off as an independent product, was purchased by Lotus, and later IBM. This version, 2.01, is prior to the Lotus buy-out.
Windows 3.x / Seaside Software
askSam for Windows 1.0
askSam for Windows v1.0 Copyright 1985-1993, Seaside Software Inc. askSam Systems P.O. Box 1428 Perry, FL 32347 Source: PC Plus SuperCD Issue 104 - June 1995 - This is a full installer edition. - The installer preregisters it with the information shown below: User Name=PC Plus Reader User Company=SuperDisk/SuperCD User Serial Number=100-70403-90696 - PC Plus SuperCD came with subscriber editions of PC Plus Magazine - UK. You can edit askSam.ini in the \Windows directory with Notepad and change the User name/User Company to whatever suits you. Installed program files will show a date/time stamp of 06/01/1995 12:00 AM AskSam "Looks like a word processor, acts like a database." NOTE3: Grafix directory contains snapshot of the June 1995 jewel case and screenshot of askSam v1.0 running on a Windows XP SP3 machine. AppleSeed '96
Windows 3.x / Borland Software
Borland ObjectVision 2.1 2.1
Borland ObjectVision 2.1 in install folders. Download to your computer, unzip and run install in Disk1 for full version. Install from Disk2 for runtime version. Files copied from original installation disks years ago. Will not run with Windows 10 Home 64bit.
Windows 3.x / Borland International, Inc
Borland Paradox 4.5 for Windows
Paradox is a high-speed relational database product that integrates with Borland's "Turbo" products. It was notable for its Query By Example feature, and its Paradox Application Language. Archive includes five 1.44mb 3.5" floppy disk images.
Windows 3.x / Borland
Borland Paradox 4.5 For Windows (Workgroup Edition) [German]
Paradox 4.5 RDBMS for German language.
Borland Paradox 4.5 for Windows 4.5
Borland Paradox 4.5 para Windows (es) 5 * 1.44 Mb IE932A10015546
Windows 3.x / Borland
Borland Paradox 5.0 for Windows 5.0
Paradox 5 adds interactive coaches, guides for creating forms and reports, and client/server OLE support.
Windows 3.x / XBase
CA-Clipper 5.3b
Clipper Complete Set for Windows 3.1, It has a visual designer and Compiler from XBase which is generate the code based on the visual objects. it adds C++ OOP and then compile it to EXE for DOS Environment. The attached is english version as I found alot of other international languages.
ca-dbfast 2.x 2.0
xBase compiler
Windows 3.x / Relate Technologies
Contact Pro
Contact-Pro is a relational database management system, tailored to the requirements of those people who track and manage a client base. Contact-Pro facilitates scheduling appointments, producing direct mailings, managing incoming and outgoing calls and faxes, direct marketing and TeleSales operations etc. and compiles a complete history of these transactions. The program uses the Clipper DBF and NTX file format.
Windows 3.x / Borland
dbase 5.0 for windows ver 5.0
Database Management System, run on MS Windows 3.1 or higher ( 9.X / ME / NT / 2000 / XP ) ... sugar
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Delta 1.0
Microsoft Delta is a source control program that they used to sell alongside Visual Basic 2.0, and Visual C++ 1.0
Windows 3.x / Claris Corporation
FileMaker Pro 2.1Fv3
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc.. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.
FileMaker Pro 3.0v1
FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc.. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Fox Pro for Windows 2.6
Fox Pro Version 2.6 for Windows 3.1 (Could cause hang-on Microsoft 9x/Me, but will work after restart)
Windows 3.x / Fox Software
Fox Pro for Windows 2.6
The most powerful database applications creator which supports cross platforms (DOS, Mac, Windows, Unix ... etc) check
Windows 3.x / Lotus Software
Lotus Forms Designer 1.0
LOTUS Designer Release 1 Design Filler #4/4 SERIAL.TXT inside Lotus Forms Designer (part of Lotus Forms) provides a WYSIWYG environment within Eclipse for designing e-forms. Designer is the module for the person actually designing and testing the form; the designer creates the form, specifies the routing order over a network, and can automate the process using LotusScript