Software that runs under DOS

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Games / Electronic Arts


Chuck Yeager's Air Combat 1.1

Air Combat: World War II / Korean War / Vietnam


Utility /


Chunk 1.0

Chunk -- Simple, fast file splitter, by


Utility / J. Lavau


CILC 1.3a

l'association des 3 programmes CILC.COM, RNL.COM, TED.COM, vous rend les services d'un PC-Tools ou Norton Commander.


Other / Holophase




Games / Infocom


Circuit's Edge 1

A hybrid interactive fiction/role-playing game, Circuit's Edge (developed by Westwood Studios and released by Infocom) was based on George Alec Effinger's 1987 novel When Gravity Fails. The player assumes the role of Marîd Audran, a private detective in "The Budayeen", an entertainment / criminal quarter in a fictional Middle Eastern city, who is trying to clear his friend of a murder charge. Doing so leads Marîd deep into the criminal underworld of the Budayeen.


System / Cirrus Logic


Cirrus Logic S430 drivers DOS 1.24

I found this on a floppy. link about the driver and other details


System / 1Soft Corp.


Citrix MetaFrame 1.0

Citrix MetaFrame is an add-on for Microsoft Terminal Server that provides Citrix ISA connectivity and additional management tools. Unlike WinFrame, this is not an entire OS.


OS / Citrix Systems Inc.


Citrix Multiuser 1.0

This is Citrix Multiuser 1.0. It's based on Microsoft OS/2 1.21. It only supports serial terminals, but it is a multi user version of OS/2 for 386 and higher computers. This is very rare and hard to find, complete with documentation, disk images.


Games / Psygnosis


City of Lost Children

THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN follows the plot of the French movie of the same name. The story centers on Miette, an orphan who lives in a local orphanage. Unfortunately, the evil pair of Siamese twins who run the home force Miette to perform various tasks for them; most of the time, the twins want her to steal things. While this may not been an ideal situation for a little girl, Miette is relatively safe. Suddenly, a dark presence appears and starts to steal children's souls and dreams. Now, Miette must find out who or what is responsible and try to find the lost children. You, as Miette, will use a point-and-click interface to solve puzzles while exploring environments that look like they were pulled from the movie. Will Miette be able to save the children? Play THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN and find out. --WORKS WELL WITHIN WINDOWS XP WITHOUT DOSBOX--


Games / John Isidoro


CityRunner 1.0

CityRunner is a high speed shuttle-run style driving game. The object is to rescue the citizens in troubled buildings as fast as possible, without wrecking your extra spiffy diamond shaped police car, or running out of time.


Games / Sid Meier










Games / MicroProse Software, Inc.


Civilization Master Etition

Civilization has the widest scope of any strategy game of its time. You are a leader of a nation. You begin in the Stone Age, and complete the game in the XXIth century (unless your civilization gets destroyed earlier). Your eventual goal is to become the dominant civilization in the world, either by wiping out everybody else, or being the first to get a space ship to Alpha Centauri. As the nation's leader, you have many responsibilities. You have to build cities, and then micromanage them, constructing various buildings. Most of people in your cities will be working on the neighbouring lands to get food (without it, your city won't survive or grow), production (used to build military units and buildings) and trade (which can be exchanged for money, science (see below) or luxuries that make people happy. You decide how much trade you want to invest into each of these areas.) You have to make sure that your people are in a good mood; if they get too unhappy, the city will collapse into disorder, and won't produce anything until you fix the situation. If you're ambitious, you can build Wonders of the World - epic constructions, such as the Pyramids or the Hoover Dam. Each Wonder is an unique thing, and only one of each can exist in the world. They give you a lot of benefits if you complete them, but they take a long time to build, and many of them will eventually stop working. There are other nations in the world, and there are also barbarians, so you'll have to invest into the military to protect yourself and to attack. Sure, you can sign peace treaties with other nations, and even exchange scientific knowledge with them (although sometimes they'll demand tribute from you), but eventually you'll probably have to fight. You control each of your military units on the world map, attacking your opponents' units and cities (possibly taking over them). Not all units are for combat though. Settlers are used to build cities, create roads (for easier travel of your units) and improve the land around cities, increasing production. Diplomats can be sent to foreign cities to negotiate with the other nations or create embassies, but they can also bribe enemy units to join you and conduct espionage and sabotage in the enemies' cities. Caravans can be sent to faraway cities to increase trade in their home city, and they can also help in building Wonders of the World. Scientific progress is an important part of the game. The more science your cities produce, the faster you research new technologies. Initially, you'll be finding out about the wonders of Alphabet or Bronze Working, but late in the game you'll be researching Computers and Robotics. Most technologies give you some new units, buildings and other things, although some have more interesting effects - for example, after inventing the Automobile, you'll find out that your citizens started producing pollution. Pollution is a bad thing; if there's too much of it, global warming may occur. How your cities prosper depends partially on the type of government that your nation has. Initially you're living in Despotism, but this can stunt growth of your civilization, so it's a good idea to switch to something else - Monarchy, Republic, Democracy or Communism.


Games / Microprose Software Inc


Civilization 1 v474.1 474.01

Sid Meier's Civilization is a 1991 turn-based strategy 4X video game developed and published by MicroProse. The game was originally developed for MS-DOS running on a PC, and it has undergone numerous revisions for various platforms. The player is tasked with leading an entire human civilization over the course of several millennia by controlling various areas such as urban development, exploration, government, trade, research, and military. The player can control individual units and advance the exploration, conquest and settlement of the game's world. The player can also make such decisions as setting forms of government, tax rates and research priorities. The player's civilization is in competition with other computer-controlled civilizations, with which the player can enter diplomatic relationships that can either end in alliances or lead to war.


Games / Microprose


Civilization I

Civilization I for MS-DOS, ISO image with english, deutsch and francais languages and extras.


Games / MicroProse Software, Inc


Civilization I V475.01

Civilization is a turn based game where you build cities and compete against rival empires. This is the first version for MS-DOS (it reports its internal version number as "475.01") and is the first in the line of Civilization games. The archive contains zips of the setup files from each of two 5.25" floppy disks (sorry no disk images). There is no disk-based copy protection, but it contains a document check. See the included file "civ.unp" on how to patch the executable.


Office / Cuyahoga Computing Co


CJPOS 5.52

It's a POS system configurable for any business. It creates invoices, estimates/quotes from a user maintained stock database. Sold items are tracked in inventory. Item lookup can be either menu driven or by SKU number. A customer database is kept; including a history of purchases. Store sales analysis can be performed for any range of dates and includes a variety of other reports. Multiple security levels for employees. Store payouts can be logged. Store account charges/payments are tracked; account due bills can be issued. Reports include Receiving Log Report, Sales Total Report, Profit/Loss Totals, Employee Commissions, Non-Taxable Sales, Layaway Account List, Accounts Receivable List, Estimate Work Order Parts Required, and Estimate/Work Order List.


DBMS / Dr Huggle



This is the Clipper s87 compatible version


Other / Clarion International


Clarion 2.0

A database solution with everything required for screens, reports, databases and help files CPD generated Clarion code based on the contents of that dictionary and a template called a "model file." Because the model file was a text file, it could be modified (in limited ways) to create custom code. The model file was implemented with the "browse and form" paradigm, where data is initially displayed to the user in list box, and updating is done via a form called via buttons associated with the list. Designer created all the essential of the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) code, and developers could enhance functionality by inserting code at specified points in the generated code, or by hand-coding new procedures. Clarion Professional Developer also introduced Language Extension Modules (LEMs), that could extend the Clarion language using modules compiled in other languages that were built to the LEM format. Clarion Software and many third-party tool developers created LEMs for all purposes, including an extension for connecting to other databases such as dBase, Clipper and Paradox. This includes the original install diskettes in vfd (Winimage, or Virtual Diskette) format.


Utility / Clarion Software


Clarion 2.0

The CLARION Scanner Version 2.0 ©1989 Clarion Software Corp. HEX/ASCII file scanner/editor


Office / Clarion International


Clarion 2.1 2.1

A database solution with everything required for screens, reports, databases and help files CPD generated Clarion code based on the contents of that dictionary and a template called a "model file." Because the model file was a text file, it could be modified (in limited ways) to create custom code. The model file was implemented with the "browse and form" paradigm, where data is initially displayed to the user in list box, and updating is done via a form called via buttons associated with the list. Designer created all the essential of the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) code, and developers could enhance functionality by inserting code at specified points in the generated code, or by hand-coding new procedures. Clarion Professional Developer also introduced Language Extension Modules (LEMs), that could extend the Clarion language using modules compiled in other languages that were built to the LEM format. Clarion Software and many third-party tool developers created LEMs for all purposes, including an extension for connecting to other databases such as dBase, Clipper and Paradox. This includes the original install diskettes in vfd (Winimage, or Virtual Diskette) format.


DBMS / Clarion International


Clarion 3.0.3009 3.0.3009

A database solution with everything required for screens, reports, databases and help files It was a revolutionary product adding many features and technology that could create programs with a “Windows like” CUA (Common User Access) user interface. Much of the CDD changes fit well into the Windows programming paradigm and laid the groundwork for the future Clarion for Windows product. This includes the original install diskettes in vfd (Winimage, or Virtual Diskette) format.


DBMS / Clarion International


Clarion Advanced Overlay Generator 2.6

This is for Clarion developer code 2.x. AOG/PRO will automatically create an overlay map for your Clarion application. It processes your clarion source files (.CLA) to determine calling relationships. AOG/PRO also obtains the size of the modules from the .PRO files. If the .PRO files do not exist, it estimates their size from the .CLA files using advanced neural network technology. From this information, AOG/PRO generates an overlaid map for your application and places it into a map file which can be included into your application.


DBMS / Clarion Software


Clarion Professional Developer 2.0


DBMS / Clarion Software


Clarion Professional Developer 2.1 2.1

Final DOS version of clarion DBMS system. This package allows the user to define fully relational databases, and then data entry screens and reports. It also includes a full programming language, making highly sophisticated applications quite easy to create. This is the full install set - can install directly from DOS.


Office / Claris Corp


ClarisWorks for Kids 1.0 for Macintosh

ClarisWorks for Kids is a dumbed down version of the ClairsWorks suite intended for educational use. It features numerous user interface sound effects, text to speech, and animated characters. For m68K based Macintosh Computers


Games / SSI


Clash of Steel

Covers WWII in Europe on a grand strategic scale between 1939 and 1945.


Games / The Concentration Company


Classic Concentration

Based on the television program produces by Mark Goodson Productions.


Games / The Concentration Company


Classic Concentration II

IBM PC version of Classic Concentration II, based on the TV gameshow.


Games / Infocom


Classic Text Masterpieces of Infocom 1

An (almost) complete collection of all of Infocom's text adventures, released by Activision in 1996, lacking only Hitchhiker's Guide and Shogun (whose licenses had expired).


Games / Titus Interactive


Classiques Volume 1


Games / Titus Interactive


Classiques Volume 2


DBMS / Anton van Straaten


Classy 2.0c




Claudio Fernandez Loquenz 3.0

Curricular control system for students. Created with clipper in the 90s.


DBMS / SPG 3.0 Gestion curricular de alumnos


Claudio Fernandez Loquenz 3.0

Sistema para la gestión curricular de estudiantes. Permite gestionar alumnos, cursos, notas, etc.


Other / Tim lewis


ClayWorks 2.41

3D drawing tool. This version of ClayWorks is still shareware, however it will become commercial in the foreseeable future. Requirements: A mouse, VGA PC, 286 with maths copro for Claycp and a 386 or better for the program 'Viewer'.





CLEAN. a floppy cleaning utility to clean all the head in floppy drives .will clean drive b: and a: this utility is superb in cleaning the floppy drives .a must have download


Office / T/Maker Company


ClickArt Personal Publisher 1.02



System / R&D Associates


CLint++ 4.37


DBMS / Grumpfish


Clip 4 DOS 1.01


System / Not specified





Other / Nantucket Corporation





DBMS / CA-Clipper 5.2 International


Clipper 5.2

Contain two installation disc and a disc with Clipper Power Tools Library.


DBMS / Nantucket Corporation


Clipper Summer '87

Clipper Summer '87 These files aren't from original diskettes so I did't bother to image them but, unlike all copies I could find, seem to be *complete* and the files are *unmodified*.


Other / Nantucket Corp


CLIPPER Summer '87

it is a complete programming pack.the only missing thing is a dos text editor( editor)


Other / Nantucket Corp


clipper summer 87

DOS compiler for DBase archives handling, complete with TLink and two libraries, FUNcky and Proclip2


Other / Computer Associates International


Clipper Summer'87

The zip has a directory with 5 other zip files. Each of these has the files for an installation diskette.


DBMS / Not specified


Clipper 5.01 [RU] and Clipper Tools 1 5.01

xBase development environment for DOS, russian version. And Clipper Tools One - extension library for Clipper.


DBMS / Nantucket Corporation, Computer Associates Interational, Microso


clipper 5.01, clipper 5.2 and Microsoft C 5.1 clipper 5.0, clipper 5.2, microsoft C 5.1

Clipper 5.01 and Clipper 5.2 was developed with Microsoft C 5.1, using "large model",and, "alternate maths library" Sometimes you may need to use maths fuctions but not avaible in clipper / dbase, e.g. sin(), cos() You need to write a wrapper fuction which calls Microsoft C 5.1 maths functions. (Hopefully) This can include all the tools for CLIPPER and C interfacing.


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