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System / Microsoft
Virtual Machine Additions for DOS 1.0
Archivo de Disquete para instalar VMAdditions para MS-DOS. Solo para Usuarios con Virtual PC (2004,2007 y Windows Virtual PC)
Utility / CSIR South Africa
Virus Protection System 4.58a
Virus Protection System Ver 4.58a Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South Africa
Utility / McAfee Associates.
Virus Scan 3.5 V63
To run the regular Scan program, type: SCAN (press enter) To run the memory resident Virus Shield, type: VSHIELD (press enter) To run the network version, type: NETSCAN (press enter) To extract File Shield, copy FSHLDARC.COM to a disk with at least 100K free space. Then type: FSHLDARC (press enter) After extracting, run File Shield by typing: FSHIELD (press enter) This version of Virus Scan looks for 97 different viruses. Shareware version.
Viruscan 4.24.0 (Updated 2004-08-25)
Utility / VisiCorp
Visi On
The venerable and influential graphical user interface-based operating environment (includes Acessories/AppsManager/Word/Graph)
OS / VisiCorp
Visi On 1.0
A Bootable 1.4 meg disk image of Visi On with the tutorial and the word processor.
Visi On 1.0
A preconfigured zip file with executables for XT and AT computers. This includes Graph, however Graph will only run on an XT.
Visi On 1.0
Original unaltered files from the install disks.
System / VisiCorp
Visi On Applications Manager 1.0
Visi On was the first GUI for the IBM PC. It was released just prior to the Apple Macintosh, and pre-dated Microsoft Windows by several years. The "Applications Manager" is the Visi On graphical operating environment. It must be installed before installing any other Visi On application software, such as Visi On Graph, Visi On Word, or Visi On Calc. This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format.
Office / VisiCorp
Visi On Calc 1.0
Visi On Calc is a spreadsheet that runs under the Visi On graphical operating environment. The application runs as a window in a graphical user interface and integrates with the other Visi On applications such as Visi On Graph and Visi On Word. Note that despite the similar name, this product is not directly related to VisiCalc. This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format. Note: the Applications Manager must be installed first.
Office / VisiCorp
Visi On Graph 1.0
Visi On Graph is a graphing and plotting program for the Visi On graphical operating environment. The application runs as a window in a graphical user interface, draws graphics directly in the live window, and integrates with the other Visi On applications such as Visi On Calc and Visi On Word. This product is not directly related to the DOS based VisiPlot This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format. Note: Applications manager must be installed first.
System / VisiCorp
Visi On Installed in PCE Emulator 1.0
This ZIP contains an unmodified copy (no unprotect) of VisiCorp Visi On pre-installed in the PCE emulator. To start the emulator, run VISION.BAT. Visi On will start automatically. This is installed from the copy protected Visi On disks, converted from TransCopy format to PSI format. The PSI media is located in the "Images" folder, if you wish to add or remove anything. The Visi On Application Manager Disk 1 is the "Key Disk" and must be in the drive when Visi On starts. This copy of PCE is configured for this, and fortunately boots directly to drive C:. This emulator is set to emulate a 4.77mhz IBM XT 5160. To increase the responsiveness of Visi On, you may wish to change the CPU speed multiplier from 1 to 8. For more information on that, see the PCE documentation.
Office / VisiCorp
Visi On Plan 1.2
Visi On Plan, formerly Visi On Calc, is a spreadsheet that runs under the Visi On graphical operating environment. This does not seem to work under the original release of Visi-On. It is believed that a revised Visi On Application Manger labeled as Version 1.0(1) is required.
Office / VisiCorp
Visi On Word 1.0
Visi On Word is a "what you see is what you get" word processor for the Visi On graphical operating environment. The application runs as a window, and text appears bold, italicized, or underlined, just as it would on a compatible printer. It also integrates with the other Visi On applications such as Visi On Calc and Visi On Graph. Despite the similar name, this product is not directly related to the DOS based VisiWord. This archive includes Transcopy, ImageDisk, CopyIIPC Snatchit, Teledisk and AnaDisk disk images. Important: This software contains copy protection. Only the Transcopy images will create usable disk images. These also work in the PCE emulator. To write Transcopy images, you must have a Central Point Deluxe Option Board, or other special disk writing hardware compatible with the Transcopy format. Note: Applications manager must be installed first.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiCalc 1.1
VisiCorp VisiCalc was the original spreadsheet program for the IBM PC, Apple II, and Atari 800 computers. Note: This software is copy protected. The "Files" folder contains an unprotected version that is ready to run. The Images folder contains a Copy II PC/Snatchit image that will recreate an original 160k disk with the copy protection intact. The Images folder also contains a raw 160k disk image with a different unprotect that will permit you to run VisiCalc in an emulator. This enables you to boot the disk directly, which contains PC-DOS 1.1, and use both 80-column VisiCalc and 40-column VisiCalc.
Office / Software Arts
VisiCalc 1.76
Conceived by Dan Bricklin, refined by Bob Frankston, developed by their company Software Arts, and distributed by Personal Software. Considered to be the first spreadsheet program for PCs.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiCalc IV v2.0
VisiCalc IV adds graphing, sorting, arranging columns, and keysaver macros. It does this by including StretchCalc. StretchCalc was a third party VisiCalc add-on from Multisoft Corp that added this functionality to previous VisiCalc versions. This archive contains one 320K floppy disk image in Copy 2 PC + Snatchit, Transcopy, Kryoflux, and SuperCard Pro format. Important: This software contains copy protection, and no unprotect is known to exist. To recreate a functional disk, you must use one of the included formats to write it. It appears it may skip the copy protection check if it is run from a hard drive.
Office / Software Arts Products Corp.
VisiCalc Advanced Version for IBM PC
VisiCalc Advanced is historically important as it was both the last version of VisiCalc (Provided by Software Arts), and the late delivery date threw VisiCorp in to a litigious battle with Software Arts, the actual authors of VisiCalc. VisiCorp blamed this delay for harming their reputation and revenue, rather than their failure to market the product, but either way it played a major part in VisiCorp's demise. The "Advanced" capabilities include: Variable Column widths Expanded formatting option Flexible printer control financial functions a smart help facility Microsoft mouse support full word prompts keystroke memory (macros) Earlier "Advanced" versions were released for the Apple II and Apple III. This archive contains one 320K disk image in raw and ImageDisk format. This disk is formatted for DOS 1.x. Some tools like WinImage may not open it. This software is NOT copy protected.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiCorp VisiCalc VC-202Y2-IBM
VisiCorp VisiCalc was the original spreadsheet program for the IBM PC, Apple II, and Atari 800 computers. It was later overtaken by Lotus 1-2-3. This version enables use of up to 512K of ram Important: This software is copy protected. It has been tested to run in the PCE emulator. Archive includes one 5.25" 160K floppy disk image. This disk is formatted for DOS 1.x, and may not open in utilities like ImageDisk.
DBMS / VisiCorp/Creative Computer Applications
VisiFile 3.0
VisiFile is a flat file data base management system. This version is for the IBM PC, there was also an earlier version for the Apple II. VisiFile was written by Creative Computer Applications and published by VisiCorp. Creative Computer Applications followed up with a product called "TurboFile" Features: - Custom entry screens - Indexes - Various selection/retrieval options - Custom reports - Undeletable records. - Up to 32,000 records per file System requirements: - 128K RAM. - Two floppy drives, or one and a hard drive. - IBM PC-DOS 1.1 or later. This archive contains four 160K floppy disk images. These are formatted for DOS 1.x and may not open in WinImage. These disks appear to contain copy protection. It is not known when the software checks. No unprotect is included. This software requires BASIC. This disk is set up to use IBM ROM BASIC. You will need to run this in a machine with genuine IBM ROM basic (IBM Model 5150/5160/5170 or some PS/2s). Replacing BASIC.COM with Microsoft BASIC-86 or GW-BASIC may or may not work.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiSchedule 1.2
VisiSchedule is a project task scheduling program for IBM PCs running DOS. This archive contains one 320k (8-sector double sided) floppy disk image in CopyIIPC format. *IMPORTANT* This software contains copy protection, and no unprotect is included or known to exist. To recreate a functional disk, use the included CopyIIPC/Snatchit image to write to a low-density double sided disk. If this disk is not correctly written with the protection, the application will still load but fake a crash at certain points. ImageDisk and TeleDisk can not create a functional copy.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiSpell 1.00
VisiSpell is a standalone spell checker for DOS, that is intended for use with VisiCorp VisiWord but can be used with any text document. "VisiSpell: The Program that makes error-free spelling as easy as A-B-C" This archive contains two disk images, in CopyIIPC, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and raw format. IMPORTANT: This software contains copy protection, and no known unprotect exists. To recreate usable disks you must use CopyIIPC with Snatchit. The Imagedisk or Teledisk images will not create usable disk images.
VisiSpell 1.00 (5.25 DS)
VisiSpell 1.00 Double Sided Disk version (Requires PC-DOS 1.10 or later). VisiSpell is a standalone spell checker for DOS, that is intended for use with VisiCorp VisiWord but can be used with any text document. This version uses double-sided disk media that combines the system and dictionary programs on to one disk. This archive contains one 320k disk images in Transcopy and CopyIIPC format. IMPORTANT: This software contains copy protection, and no known unprotect exists. To recreate usable disks you must use CopyIIPC with Snatchit or Transcopy. These images will also work with the PCE emulator.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiTrend/Plot 1.30
This archive contains three 160k 5.25" floppy disk images in Copy II PC+Snatchit and Transcopy format. IMPORTANT: This software contains copy protection, however it appears to skip the protection check if it thinks it is being run from a hard drive. No unprotect is included. To run the program, copy the files in the "installed" folder to a location on your hard drive or an emulator hard disk image. To start the program, run VT.COM. If your drive is not "C" then edit the drives in Paths.vtp to match the drive you are running it from. Note: This program requires 100% hardware compatible CGA. Plotting graphs will fail on some VGA systems. Tested in MESS, and real hardware. It seems to freeze on startup in DOSBox 0.72.
Office / VisiCorp
VisiTutor For VisiWord 1.0
VisiTutor is a computerized tutorial program that will guide a user through how to use VisiCorp VisiWord. This archive contains 3 160K disk images in raw and Imagedisk format
Office / VisiCorp
VisiWord 1.00
VisiWord is a word processor for DOS from VisiCorp. This archive contains one 160k disk images in Transcopy and CopyIIPC format. IMPORTANT: This software contains copy protection, and no known unprotect exists. To recreate usable disks you must use CopyIIPC with Snatchit or Transcopy. These images will also work with the PCE emulator.
Multimedia / John Hinkley
Vista Pro 1.01 for DOS 1.01
Type "Install" at the dos prompt using DOS-BOX. Vista and Vista Pro are 3D landscape generation programs originally for the Amiga, Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows (PC) range of home computers. It was written by John Hinkley and its own About box describes it as "a 3-D landscape generator and projector capable of accurately displaying real-world and fractal landscapes." It was published by Virtual Reality Labs.
Multimedia / John Hinkley
Vista Pro 3.0 for DOS 3.0
An ancient version of the Vista Pro software. It runs under MS-DOS with VESA graphics. The .zip file includes an already installed package that runs smoothly under DOSBox.
Other / John Hinkley
Vistapro 3.05 for DOS
Vistapro is a three-dimensional landscape simulation program. Using U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files, Vistapro can accurately recreate real world landscapes in vivid detail. It can also create fractal based landscapes, and provides many customizations. Vistapro originated on the Amiga and also had a Macintosh port. The DOS version supports high resolution VESA graphics modes.
Visual Basic 3.0
MS Visual Basic 3 for Windows (3.1/3.11)
System / Microsoft
Visual Basic For DOS Standard Edition 1.00
Microsoft Visual Basic for DOS is a DOS version of Microsoft's Visual Basic development environment. This is the smaller Standard Edition. This archive contains nine 360k disk images in raw/winimage format.
Other / Microsoft
Visual Basic Pro Dos 1.00
The visual basic 1.00 programing langauge and tools for ms-dos. This is the full professional version, and non-windows software is for dos only. Or Real Dos, and not XP, Nt, or 2k dos. 7 1.44mb install disk
Utility / Microsoft
Visual Basic Professional for DOS 1.00
Full professional version including all 7 diskettes and a convenient folder to install the entire product from in one shot without diskettes.