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Utility / Not specified
FoxPlus (FOX2PRG) and FoxPro (FXP2PRG) decompiler tools. They're in an unknown language, but the website they originated from suggests Russian.
DBMS / Fox Software
Foxbase 2.00 beta 2.00 beta
FoxBASE+ Rev 2.00 [Beta] [01-July-87] Serial Number _________ FoxBIND Utility Rev 2.00 (c) 1987 Fox Software FoxCOMP Compiler Rev 2.00 (c) 1987 Fox Software Type "help" at program prompt to view list of commands. Type "quit" at program prompt to exit FoxBASE. This truly is 2.00 [Beta}. It will report FoxBASE+ 2.00 at the program screen. The only way to confirm it is 2.00 beta, is to open it up and look near the end of the file, where it is stored in plain text. It isn't hacked to say this: FOXPLUS.EXE performs a self-check for CRC integrity each time it starts - no way to cheat that. The archive contains the main EXE, overlay, help/commands file, the linker, and the compiler - 4 files in all. See "Run under XP.txt" if used in that OS. AppleSeed '96
FoxBase+ 2.1
dBase files managenment
DBMS / The Santa Cruz Operation
Foxbase+ 1.0.0 1.0.0
Sco's implementation of Fox Software's dBASE III+-like product which later became FoxPRO. It used the Xbase programming language.
Utility / Fox Software
FoxBASE+ Multi-User 2.10
Multi-User FoxBASE+ 2.10 [30-August-88](c)1988 Fox Software U.S. / Canadian Version Serial Number FPE119781 Type "help" at program prompt to view list of commands. Type "quit" at program prompt to exit FoxBASE. Contains: FOXBIND.EXE FOXPCOMP.EXE FOXPHELP.HLP MFOXPLUS.EXE MFOXPLUS.OVL MFOXPLUS.RSC
DBMS / Fox Software
EN 2.00
This is a clone of Dbase-III Plus, as one commentator stated. This is a set of installation disks and SN and activation codes for Demo and Unrestricted use are included.
Utility / Three D Graphics
FoxGraph Version 1.0 December 1988 (c) 1988 by Three D Graphics ***RUSSIFIED*** Foxgraph was an application originally sold by Fox Software in the days before they were taken over by Microsoft. It was a business graph system which was callable from within Foxplus or Foxpro. System requirements: *Computer:IBM XT,AT or eq., Toshiba 3100, AT&T 6300, 512K min, DOS 2.0 min. *Graphics card for IBM or eq.:CGA, EGA,"Super" EGA, VGA, Herc. Mono, or eq. *Disk: Hard disk with approximately 1.3Mb available. 1. Must use teledisk 2.11 - any other version wouldn't handle these images. 2. Converted those to standard IMG format. 3. Unpacked the files to a DIR off root like so: C:\FSRC, then ran install from there. Didn't work! 4. Created a virtual floppy drive and installed - SUCCESS! There's a English README.DOC which gives some excellent info, but the program has been russified (somewhat). The russifying is done in messages.3ds keytext.3ds help.3ds CONENTS: There are the original Teledisk images, another set converted to standard IMG, yet one more of a 1.2meg floppy with all files (which is what I eventually used to perform an installation under XP), and finally, a RARed archive of the completed installation that you can unpack and run directly. See the text files included in the archive; they contain additional information to get this running on your hardware. AppleSeed '96 ***RUSSIFIED***
FoxPro 1.02
FoxPro was a dBASE clone.
FoxPro 1.02 (European Version)
This is the European version of the FoxPro 1.02 database software. It is missing a serial and activation key. If anyone has that, please post it below.
DBMS / Microsoft
foxpro 2.5 2.5
"a text-based procedurally oriented programming language and database management system (DBMS), and it is also an object-oriented programming language, originally published by Fox Software and later by Microsoft, for MS-DOS..." (Wikipedia)
DBMS / Microsoft
FoxPro 2.6 DK For Dos 2.6
All three (3) disks are in .7z file and are in .IMG format.
DBMS / Microsoft
Foxpro Distribution Kit for FPD26 v.1
The Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6 includes the following kits: Distribution Kit Connectivity Kit Library Construction Kit WorkGroup Extensions (FoxPro for Windows only) To install the Professional Edition of FoxPro, first install the main FoxPro product, then follow the installation instructions included with each individual kit. The order in which the kits are installed does not matter.
DBMS / Microsoft
FoxPro DOS 2.6
IDE de Programacion del lenguaje xbase, en español, crea ejecutables y apps.
DBMS / Microsoft
fpd 2.6 2.6
You can create EXE with FoxPro(R) Version 2.6 Professional Edition Distribution Kit for MS-DOS(R). The Professional Edition of FoxPro 2.6 includes the following kits: Distribution Kit, Connectivity Kit, Library Construction Kit. Have a greate day !
Games / Ceader Software
FractalVision for Windows 1.04 1.04
FractalVision for Windows 1.04 is an interactive fractal drawing program. Using a mouse or the keyboard you can manipulate geometric Seed Shapes and create amazing pictures of coastlines, clouds, trees, leaves snowflakes, spirals and practically anything imaginable. Images can be saved in PCX, BMP, and GIF format. Several example templates are included to help get you started. This is an excellent introduction in to the fascinating world of fractal geometry.
Other / Stone Soup Group
Fractint 20.0
FRACTINT 20.0, DOS-based fractal generator. Generate Mandelbrot, Julia, IFS, and many more fractals in 2D and 3D, including those you design yourself. Version 20 now supports images larger than 2048x2048, adds evolver, and adds enhanced sound. Copyrighted freeware.
Fractint 20.4
Fractint is a fractal generator created for IBMPC's.
Framework II
Framework II contains a larger, faster and more powerful spreadsheet and an advanced word processor that includes an 80,000-word spell checker, visible page breaks and a built-in mailmerge capability. The two primary functions are supported by fully-integrated telecommunications, database, outlining and graphics modules in addition to an expanded and well-documented programming language. Framework II retains a consistent command structure throughout all functions, providing users with unparalleled ease of learning.
Framework II 1.1
Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications.
Framework III
Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications. Framework provides a text-based "gui", including windowing and menus. All of the different components behave in similar, consistent ways. Archive includes ten 360K 5.25" floppy disk images.
Office / Forefront Corporation
Framework - A Programmers Reference 1984
This is a PDF of the book Framework - A Programmers Reference that describes the FRED programming environment in the Framework DOS software.
Framework 4 4.0
Framework 4 integrated office package for text. spreadsheet, database and communication running on DOS. Decompress the *.rar archive an you will get 12 floppy image files in winimage format. You will need 720K DOS formattet floppys to generate installtion floppy - set.
Office / Ashton-Tate
Framework II 1.1
Framework, launched in 1984, was the first office suite to run on the PC 8086 with the MS-DOS operating system. ValDocs, an even earlier integrated suite, actually comparable to the original Macintosh of 1984 and Apple Lisa of 1982 was produced by Epson, a complete integrated work station based on the previous Zilog Z80 processor and CP/M operating system with GUI and "WYSIWYG" typography on the monitor and printing. Framework offered all this however in the first all-in-one package to run on any PC platform. It was preceded by a few months by its close rival Lotus Symphony. Unlike other integrated products Framework was not created as "plug-in" modules with similar look and feel but as a single windowing workspace representing a desktop metaphor that could manage and outline "Frames" sharing a common underlying format. The initial release included about a dozen or so frame types (identified by a FRED function, @frametype). Frame types included containers which could be filled up with other frames, empty frames which could become other type of frames based on user input, formulas embedded in them or program output targeting them, word processor frames, flat-database frames and spreadsheet as well as graphic frames. Later versions included a frame type that can hold compiled executable code and the current version include an external type handled by separate applications running on the host operating system. Framework built-in interpreter, the FRED (Frame Editor) computer language, was based on Lisp and included an Eval function. It applied to all text and frame type across the product. Framework could be considered a predecessor to the present GUI window metaphor as well as integrated interpreters. The spreadsheet program was superior in its day, offering true 3D capability, where spreadsheets could form outline which can be "opened" to reveal a separate spreadsheet as well as other frame types—a feat of sheer convenient function never again seen and further enhanced in much later versions. Robert Carr and Marty Mazner founded Forefront Corporation to develop Framework in 1983. In July of that year, they approached Ashton-Tate to provide the capital and to later market the product. Together with a team of six other individuals, Carr and company released the original Framework. The product proved successful enough that in 1985, Ashton-Tate bought Forefront, a year sooner than planned. The original team, now working for Ashton-Tate, continued to enhance the product producing Framework II (1985), Framework III (1988-1989)[1] and finally in 1991, the last Ashton-Tate's version, Framework IV. Beginning with Framework II, the company also produced Framework II Runtime and Framework II Developer's Toolkit. These products allowed application developers to create business applications using the built-in FRED programming language. Although Ashton-Tate humorously advertised that "Lotus uses Framework",[2] Framework failed to gain more than a fraction of the market share needed to become a workplace standard. Lotus 1-2-3 was able to successfully capture most of the spreadsheet market and after a number of setbacks regarding Ashton-Tate's flag product, dBASE, Borland bought Ashton-Tate and later sold Framework to Selections & Functions, Inc. Present versions include the FrameworkPascal compiler which extend Framework with Windows API interface. Framework works on most versions of Microsoft Windows. Framework 7 was the last version which can be run on Windows 95/98/ME or on DOS. Framework 8 and 9 only run on Windows XP. Beginning with Framework V (Framework 5), Selections and Functions introduced only a few features - mainly features required to prevent the office suite from becoming out-of-date. For example, Framework VII (Framework 7) introduced long file names, the Euro symbol and the ability to display pictures in Framework. Framework VIII (Framework 8) introduced the ability to display JPEG and .BMP files and to load such files into Framework databases. Of particular importance, all of the Selections and Functions' versions of Framework added the ability to share "cut and paste" (memory buffer data) between Windows and Framework. For detailed feature lists and screen shots see the Framework homepage listed below. Selections and Functions is nevertheless still selling Framework - although no price is available publicly. Programmers at Work (ISBN 0-914845-71-3) credits Robert Carr as the designer and principal developer of Framework.
Framework III 3
just unzip in folder and run
Framework III 3.0
English version of Ashton-Tate's Framework III. Just unzip and run.