Software that runs under DOS (Utility)

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Utility / Not specified



FoxPlus (FOX2PRG) and FoxPro (FXP2PRG) decompiler tools. They're in an unknown language, but the website they originated from suggests Russian.


Utility / Not specified


FoxBase+ 2.10


Utility / Fox Software


FoxBASE+ Multi-User 2.10

Multi-User FoxBASE+ 2.10 [30-August-88](c)1988 Fox Software U.S. / Canadian Version Serial Number FPE119781 Type "help" at program prompt to view list of commands. Type "quit" at program prompt to exit FoxBASE. Contains: FOXBIND.EXE FOXPCOMP.EXE FOXPHELP.HLP MFOXPLUS.EXE MFOXPLUS.OVL MFOXPLUS.RSC


Utility / Mateusz Viste


FoxCalc 0.92

Useful calculator with mouse support.


Utility / Three D Graphics



FoxGraph Version 1.0 December 1988 (c) 1988 by Three D Graphics ***RUSSIFIED*** Foxgraph was an application originally sold by Fox Software in the days before they were taken over by Microsoft. It was a business graph system which was callable from within Foxplus or Foxpro. System requirements: *Computer:IBM XT,AT or eq., Toshiba 3100, AT&T 6300, 512K min, DOS 2.0 min. *Graphics card for IBM or eq.:CGA, EGA,"Super" EGA, VGA, Herc. Mono, or eq. *Disk: Hard disk with approximately 1.3Mb available. 1. Must use teledisk 2.11 - any other version wouldn't handle these images. 2. Converted those to standard IMG format. 3. Unpacked the files to a DIR off root like so: C:\FSRC, then ran install from there. Didn't work! 4. Created a virtual floppy drive and installed - SUCCESS! There's a English README.DOC which gives some excellent info, but the program has been russified (somewhat). The russifying is done in messages.3ds keytext.3ds help.3ds CONENTS: There are the original Teledisk images, another set converted to standard IMG, yet one more of a 1.2meg floppy with all files (which is what I eventually used to perform an installation under XP), and finally, a RARed archive of the completed installation that you can unpack and run directly. See the text files included in the archive; they contain additional information to get this running on your hardware. AppleSeed '96 ***RUSSIFIED***


Utility / Franklin Computer


Franklin PC-8000 ACE Diskette V1.11 V1.11

Franklin PC-8000 DOS ACE (DOS utility shell program) that originally shipped with the Franklin PC-8000. It provides a simple menu interface for managing diskettes and running programs. This ZIP file contains all the files from the original disk for ease of use with DOSBox. This disk was originally bootable since the Franklin PC-8000 only came with two 360k 5.25" floppy drives. This was rescued from an original rare 5.25" 360k floppy


Utility / Open Source


Free Pascal full 2.2.2

Free Pascal complete IDE with compiler & tools 100% compatible to Turbo Pascal


Utility / Sue Doe Min


Free VI Text Editor 1.9

Port of VI text editor to DOS. Very small memory footprint, work on DOS versions as low as 2.11 (have only tested DOS 2.11 to DOS 6.22, works on all.) Also works on 128k machines like the PCjr.


Utility / Spin Brains Programmers Group


FreeGame Toolkit 5.00

Universal game cheating TSR.


Utility / Borjaguilar Software


Fuentes 1.1

Console font editor for DOS 5.0 or above.


Utility / micah developement


Full Shield Pc Protector 1

dos and windows 3.1 password protection of files and file encryption


Utility / unknown



ucebnice fyziky 1. cast


Utility / unknown



ucebnice fyziky 2. cast


Utility / unknown



ucebnice fyziky 3. cast


Utility / unknown



ucebnice fyziky 4. cast


Utility / GB Software


G-Menu 1.0

This is a fully customizable menu system similar to PowerMenu, but more elegant. Works in regular 16 bit DOS and 32bit FreeDOS.


Utility / Ray Hsu & Gerald Ryckman


Game Wizard 2.30

The most powerful GAME CHEATING utility ever developed anywhere in the world.


Utility / Enhanced Software Design


Game Wizard 32 Pro 3.0

Universal game cheating TSR



Game Wizard 32 Pro 3.0a

Universal game cheating TSR.


Utility / Shiny Entertainment


Gamers Performance Test 1.4

Benchmark CPU + video. From MDK.


Utility / Wong Wing Kin


GameTools 3.23

GAMETOOLS ========= This is a TSR utility for cracking software protection such as disk protection, password protection. It can also be used to modify the games so that they can be much easier finished. This program requires users to have some knowledge of IBM PC assembly language and interrupts handling. It include a colorful internal debugger, dos shell, analysis, RAM view, dos quit, hardware break point... UP == This is an utility for executable files decompression. It can decompress EXE or COM compressed by DIET, PKLITE, LZEXE, EXEPACK, COMPACK. It can unpack unextractable EXE compressed by PKLITE. TSRCRACK ======== This is a TSR utility for cracking software protection such as password protection. It can also be used to modify the games so that they can be much easier finished. Why not modify the file directly? It is because the files are often compressed and encoded, they cannot be decoded and modified. Thus you need a TSR to modify the codes after the files are loaded into memory. This program can generate a TSR from given information about where and how to modify the codes.


Utility / Symantec Corporation



Partition Tool/ HDD Management


Utility / Norton Computing



GDISK v1.0f-BETA is the second Beta release of the GDISK product.GDISK provides some added capabilities that FDISK does not – such as on-the-fly formatting – and provides a safer alternative in situations where known problems with FDISK can cause data loss and hardware damage.


Utility / Leslie Howard


GED2WWW 0.31

This program converts GEDCOM files to HTML files.


Utility / Christian Paukovits


Genesis Commander 1.32

Fast and flexible two-panel file manager, NC clone.


Utility / Kye International Corporation


Genius (KYE) GeniScan GS-4500

This is the software / drivers package for GeniScan GS-4500. It should work with GS-2000 and GS-4000 too (the software lists the 2000 and 4000 model, so if you want to use the GS-4500 model should choose the 4000... I think). This is the whole software package that comes with the scanner, minus the CAT Reader OCR software: unfortunately the floppy disks no longer work :-( I didn't find this package on the web (just a linux edition) but, since many guys asked for them, I decided to release it.


Utility / GeoWorks


GeoWorks Ensemble Working Model 1.2

Multi-tasking windowing graphical envrionment (PC/GEOS) for DOS with integrated applications; word processor, drawing program, file manager, address book and label maker, scheduler, comm program, Solitaire, Tetris, more. NOTE: THE WORKING MODEL DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO SAVE ANY FILES. Requires: IBM PC/XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible; 512k memory, DOS 2.0 or higher, mouse


Utility / unknown


GER-CZ 1 1

vocabulary DE-CZ slovnik nemecko cesky


Utility / unknown


GER-CZ 2 2

vocabulary DE-CZ slovnik nemecko cesky


Utility / GFORCE


GForce Library for CA Clipper compiler Addon 2.11

Library and utilities for CA Clipper compiler summer 87 and 5.0 - 5.1 - 5.2


Utility / Symantec Corporation


Ghost 2001

Imaging/clone utility


Utility / Norton Computing


Ghost 6

Ghost is a disk cloning program


Utility / Peter Norton Computing/Symantec


Ghost 7.5 7.5

wanted utility


Utility / Symantec Corporation


Ghost Enterprise 6.5

The infamous Symantec (Norton) Ghost disk imaging program for DOS! Includes disk and partition copy and save as well as LPT (parallel port) copy. This version of Ghost also supports TCP/IP and Multicast imaging, if supported by your PC.


Utility / Binary Research


Ghost v2.07 v2.07

Ghost is designed to minimize the installation times for operating systems such as Win95, WinNT and OS/2. This is particularly useful to organisations which have a large number of similarly configured workstations to install. For example, Ghost reduces the time to install a typical 300 Megabyte Win95 system from an hour with substantial operator input to about 5 minutes with no operator input required. In addition, multiple workstations may be installed at the same time which further improves efficiency. With Ghost tedious tasks such as FDISKing and FORMATing disks are a thing of the past - Ghost dynamically FDISKs and FORMATs the target disk, allowing FAT partitions to be expanded or contracted to fit the target. Ghost is designed to be run under DOS and can be run from a DOS boot diskette. Although DOS based it can handle Win95/WinNT long file names, NTFS partitions, OS/2 extended attributes and even OS/2 boot manager partitions. Ghost has two modes of operation - a simple, robust, menu driven user interface, and, to further aid automating the installation process, a batch mode. Prior to Win95 there was little need for a utility like Ghost as systems could be installed by simply using the DOS XCOPY command. Win95 introduced long file names, XCOPY could no longer do the job - hence the need for a utility like Ghost. Not only is Ghost the fastest way to install Win95, WinNT and OS/2, it has another handy use - it can make complete backups of disks, even copying “in-use” system files which are missed by other backup utilities. Overview Ghost is essentially a disk copying program. The entire contents of a disk may be copied from one disk to another, or they may be copied to a disk image file, and that image file can then be used as a template to create copies of the original disk. Each disk is made up of a Master Boot Record and from 1 to 4 primary partitions. Primary partitions are physically separate areas of the disk, and are usually defined by the FDISK utility. Primary partitions may be further subdivided into logical drives, once again using the FDISK utility. However, it is not important to understand the exact details of how a disk is subdivided. Ghost copies every partition, regardless of type, from the source (disk or disk -image file) to the destination. If the source and destination disks were identical in size and structure then all that would be needed is a sector by sector copy but in practice this is seldom the case. Ghost positions each partition or logical drive on the target disk using the same rules as FDISK. In addition, if the partition is a FAT type (90% are, the most common exceptions are NTFS and HPFS) Ghost allows the target partition to be expanded or contracted.


Utility / Binary Research


Ghost v4.0a 4.0a

GHOST is designed to minimize the installation times for operating systems such as Win95, WinNT and OS/2. This is particularly useful to organizations which have a large number of similarly configured workstations to install. For example, GHOST reduces the time to install a typical 300 megabyte Win95 system from an hour with substantial operator input to about 5 minutes with no operator input required. With multi access packages, multiple workstations may be installed at the same time which further improves efficiency. When cloning complete hard drives, procedures such as FDISK and FORMAT are a thing of the past - GHOST dynamically partitions and formats the target disk “on the fly” allowing FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS partitions to be expanded or contracted to fit the target. GHOST is designed to be run under DOS and can be run from a DOS boot diskette. Although DOS-based, it can handle Win95/WinNT long file names, NTFS partitions, OS/2 extended attributes and even OS/2 boot manager partitions. GHOST has two modes of operation - a simple, robust, menu driven user interface, and, to further aid automating the installation process, a batch mode. Prior to Win95 there was little need for a utility like GHOST, as systems could be installed by simply using the DOS XCOPY command. Win95 introduced long file names, XCOPY could no longer do the job - hence the need for a utility like GHOST. Not only is GHOST the fastest way to install Win95, WinNT and OS/2, it has another handy use - it can make complete backups of disks, even copying “in-use” system files which are missed by other backup utilities. Making GHOST a perfect choice for disaster recovery operations. Overview GHOST is essentially a disk and/or partition copying program. The entire contents of a disk may be copied from one disk to another, or they may be copied to a disk image file, and that image file can then be used as a template to create copies of the original disk. GHOST also allows these operations to be performed on the partitions of the disk i.e. the contents of a partition can be copied to another partition, or selected partitions can be copied to an image file and that image file can be used as a template to create copies of the original partitions. Each disk is made up of a Master Boot Record and from 1 to 4 primary partitions. Primary partitions are physical separate areas of the disk, and are usually defined by the FDISK utility. Extended partitions may be further subdivided into logical drives, once again using the FDISK utility. However, it is not important to understand the exact details of how a disk is subdivided when using GHOST.


Utility / Not specified


GIF Reader 1.0

GIF reader/displayer


Utility / Pat Klepper



Gif2Icon.exe is a simple utility to convert a GIF picture to a Windows 3.0 icon.


Utility / Jay Wherley



"GIFDESK is a utility to view many of your GIFs at one time on a VGA system."


Utility / Postbank



This is old (Dutch) bankingsoftware. This comes from the Postbank. It is very nostalgic, but it cannot be used for real banking. But if you use fake banknumbers and codes, you can watch how it works. Both files, as an IMA disk image are included.


Utility / DJGPP


gnu awk (gawk.exe) 4.0

gnu awk...built with djgpp.. version 4.0


Utility / A&A Softhouse - CuriousWorld


Gotcha Antivirus 1.0

Gotcha Antivirus,from my old floppy ms-dos in the past it was the only can remove some viruses from my floppyes. Nothings on internet about it,so i think it's a rare antivirus for the collection!


Utility / Sunset Design


GrafFX 2.0 2.0

GraFX is similar to Photoshop. Simple Program for Photo-editing.


Utility / Vadim Dubinin


Graver 2.21

Diskette verification utility with graphical display (VGA mode), shows where the errors are located on physical media.


Utility / Not specified


greg unknown

2 Meg Format, help format stiffies to 2mb


Utility / Nigel Salt


GREPFV 7 of 23 February 1994

GREPFV is a text string searching utility with a difference. It searches for regular expressions in text files, archived files, and executable files. The syntax for grepfv is grepfv "regexp" filepattern[+] tempdir


Utility / I don't know



Generic CMOS setup utility for 808x (minus 8080 and 8085), 80286, and 80386 CPUs.


Utility / Micro Consulting Associates



GSETUP is a generic SETUP program for the IBM-PC/AT Personal Computer and all TRUE compatibles. The program is designed to allow you to set/modify CMOS ram values to tell the system what the time, date, type and number of floppy disk drives and hard disks, monitor type, etc., are for your personal computer. Author: Juan Jimenez


Utility / Iomega


Guest 6.0

Iomega guest for DOS and Windows 3.x From original Ziptools CD.


Utility / Johan Zwiekhorst


GUS "General Unpack Shell" 1.95

GUS v1.95 handles 15 archive types and their self-extractors (ARC ARC+ ARJ DWC HA HAP HPK HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ UC2 ZIP ZOO & SFXs)


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