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Office / Turner Hall Publishing
4Word 1.0
4WORD is an add-in word processor for Lotus 1-2-3. Unlike TSR programs 4WORD works from within Lotus, using the same menus, using the Lotus printer drivers, and storing your documents inside your spreadsheet. It can copy and paste data between your document and spreadsheet as well link to live cells in to your document. Requires Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.00 or 2.01.
4Word 2.0
4WORD is an add-in word processor for Lotus 1-2-3. Unlike TSR programs 4WORD works from within Lotus, using the same menus, using the Lotus printer drivers, and storing your documents inside your spreadsheet. It can copy and paste data between your document and spreadsheet as well link to live cells in to your document. Requires Lotus 1-2-3 Release 2.00 or 2.01.
Office / Migent Inc
Ability 1.5
Ability is an easy WYSIWYG office suite for the IBM PC. It consists of six applications: Write, Spreadsheet, Database, Graph, Communicate, and Presentation. Spanish.
Office / Xanaro Technologies Inc.
Ability Demo Disk 1.0
Ability is an easy to use integrated office suite for the IBM PC. It consists of six applications: Write, spreadsheet, Database, Graph, Communicate, and Presentation. This is a redistributable set of 360k 5.25" demonstration disks dated 1984. Both ImageDisk and raw 360k image formats are included.
Office / Migent Inc
Ability Plus 1.0 1.0
Ability Plus is an integrated software package written for DOS in the early 1980s. Development ceased in 1995 with the last build made in November 1997. Ability combined write, spreadsheet, database, graphing and communication functions in a single interface called the Library Screen. The main modules were written from the ground up to share as much code as possible so that, for example, a field in the write or database module would call on the same recalculation engine as the spreadsheet and the display and print routines were common to all modules.
Office / Migent Inc
Ability Word Processor 1.2
Ability word processor pre-installed, Ability Presentation (present.exe) included.
Office / Adasoft W.R.
Account 5.53 5.53
ACCOUNT ist ein modernes, komfortables und schnelles, über Pull-Down-Menüs mit der Maus oder über die Tastatur zu bedienendes Buchhaltungs- und Finanzplanungs-programm. Es basiert auf dem System der doppelten Buchführung. Es eignet sich sowohl für Private, die ihre eigenen Finanzen, ihre Liegen- schaften, die Finanzen eines Vereins oder Aehnliches verwalten wollen, als auch für Selbständige und kleinere Betriebe. Die komfortable Benutzerführung und eine umfassende, kontextbezogene Hilfe-Funktion ermöglichen es auch dem buchhalterischen Laien schnell mit dem Programm vertraut zu werden und zügig zu arbeiten. Anders als bei 'normalen' Buchhaltungen,bei denen Fehlbuchungen jeweils durch zusätzliche Gegenbuchungen unwirksam gemacht (storniert ) werden müssen, können bei ACCOUNT die Buchungen jederzeit direkt korrigiert werden. ACCOUNT erspart es dem Benutzer auch, sich über die Begriffe'Soll' und 'Haben' irgendwelche Gedanken machen zu müssen. Trotzdem entsprechen die Bildschirme und Ausdrucke von ACCOUNT den üblichen Darstellungen einer doppelten Buchhaltung. ACCOUNT ist vollständig bildschirmorientiert und kann völlig ohne auszudrucken auch nur am Bildschirm betrieben werden. Buchungen und Korrekturen können in den Bildschirm-Darstellungen der Kontoblätter direkt vorgenommen werden. Einzelnen Buchungen kann bei Bedarf ein Memorandum beigefügt werden. Eine Taschenrechner-Funktion, 18 speicherbare Standardbuchungssätze und eine Automatik-Funktion zum Buchen von WUST-,Vorsteuer-, Mehrwertsteuer- und Skonto-Beträgen erhöhen den Komfort beim Buchen. Zudem ist eine einfache 'Offene Posten'-Verwaltung eingebaut. Als wesentlichste Auswertungen generiert ACCOUNT Kontoblätter, Journal, Bilanz und Erfolgs-rechnung, Monats- und Jahresüber- sichten und diverse Statistiken. Dabei kann unter sechs ver- schiedenen Formaten zur Darstellung der Beträge ausgewählt werden. Alle wesentlichen Auswertungen können auch über den Drucker ausgegeben oder zur Weiterbearbeitung in Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammen und Datenbanken exportiert werden. Der Zugang zu den einzelnen Buchhaltungsdateien kann mit spezifischen Passwörtern geschützt werden.
Office / Adasoft W.R.
ACCOUNT Pro 1.04 1.04
Netzwerkfähiges Buchhaltungs- und Finanzplanungsprogramm (deutsch). ACCOUNT ist ein modernes, komfortables und schnelles, über Pull-Down-Menüs mit der Maus oder über die Tastatur zu bedienendes Buchhaltungs- und Finanzpla- nungsprogramm. Es basiert auf dem System der doppelten Buchführung. Es eignet sich sowohl für kleine bis mittlere Betriebe als auch für Private, die ihre eigenen Finanzen, ihre Liegenschaften, die Finanzen eines Vereins oder ähnliches verwalten wollen.
Office / Adobe
Acrobat 1.0 for Macintosh was originally released 15 June 1993, later for DOS and Windows 3.1. This is the DOS version of Acrobat 1.0.
Adobe Acrobat Reader, X2 1.44MB FDD Images
Office / Spencer Software
After The Fact Payroll Desktop Option 8.1 (For Osborn)
This is a payroll program for Osborn computers (not PCs). It appears to be a CP/M disk format. Archive includes one 5.25" floppy disk image in ImageDisk format.
Aladdin Ghostscript 4.03
DOS port of Aladdin Ghostscript Postscript interpreter.
Office / Aldus Corp.
Aldus PageMaker 1.0A With Windows 1.04 Runtime 1.0A
This is the "A" update to Aldus PageMaker 1.00 that bundles the Windows 1.04 runtime instead of the 1.03 runtime. Also included a setup disk image that is Modified to support PS/2 mice.
Office / Aldus Corporation
Aldus Persuasion 2.1 for Macintosh
Aldus Persuasion is a presentation and slide creation program. It was later purchased by Adobe.
Aldus Persuasion 3.0 for Macintosh
Aldus Persuasion is a presentation and slide creation program. It was later purchased by Adobe.
Office / Houghton Mifflin Company
American Heritage Electronic Dictionary 1.01k.
Houghton Mifflin American Heritage Electronic Dictionary is a DOS TSR program that gives you instant searchable access to an entire dictionary. Minimum Requirements: DOS 2.1 or later 140K of free RAM 3 MB hard drive space
Office / WordStar International Inc.
American Heritage Electronic Dictionary 3.0 For DOS
Houghton Mifflin American Heritage Electronic Dictionary is a DOS TSR program that gives you instant searchable access to an entire dictionary.
Office / AmortizeIT!
AmortizeIT! 1.0
A must have for offline amortization. This is true mortgage reference, a necessity. Property is not affordable unless you have this program kept on disk, stored, stowed, and secured. It is might.
Office / IBM
Andy 2.0
Nice Dos editor that can be configured to an extent.
Office / CCP Development
Artline 2.00
Artline is vector and shape based drawing and illustration program that includes a GEM/4 runtime.
Office / Trius Inc.
As Easy As 4.00Q
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions. Version 4.00 of AS-EASY-AS supports the development and use of Add-In programs. This is the german version.
As Easy As Version 5C
Spreadsheet program.
Office / Trius, Inc.
As-Easy-As 3.01
o 2048 rows by 256 Columns- Uses Sparse Memory Matrix for efficient storage. o POPUP or PANEL menus - You decide which is best for you! o Powerful Graphics- Can create BAR, STACKED BAR,LINE, XY ,PIE, HILO SEMI-LOG and LOG-LOG graphs on your Epson compatible printer , All without every leaving the spreadsheet! o Intelligent Recalculation - Its blazing speed derives from the fact that it only calculates those cells it needs to calculate. o Over 50 {MACRO} programming commands.... o Over 43 @FUNCTIONS for Math, Statistics and Finance.... o 3D-SIMULATION, You can reallocate spreadsheet memory upto 100 planes. o NO INSTALLATION, On almost every IBM PC compatible it will run immediately with out time wasting hardware installation. ( Runs on CGA,MONO,MGA,EGA,AT&T .... video/graphics cards. ) o HELP screens , built right into the program , over 50 pages... o BUILT IN UTILITIES, text FIND/REPLACE, MACRO recording, AUDITING GOALSEEKING and more..... (Other spreadsheets sell these features as expensive ADD-INS) o Highly LOTUS/123 compatible (1-2-3 trademark of LOTUS Development Corp). Shareware.
Office / Trius Inc.
As-Easy-As 5.7
AS-EASY-AS: The Extraordinary Spreadsheet! Latest version of the Shareware Industry Award Winner for "Best Application, 1992" Packed with dozens of new features! Linear Programming, Multivariate Regression; External user Functions; 3D Graphics... And Standard features like .WKS & WK1 file compatibility; Hundreds of Math, Financial, & Stat Functions, dBASE interface; Matrix operations; and more... Package includes a comprehensive manual and the free full licence provided by the Manufacturer.
Office / Trius Inc.
AsEasyAs 2.05
AsEasyAs is a POWERFUL spreadsheet (1024 rows x 256 cols) with a large set of menu command features. Graphics and Reports can be produced directly from information you input. Help menus describing math functions, macros, and special features may be accessed by pressing F1 from within the spreadsheet.
AsEasyAs 3.0
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions.