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System / American Megatrends Inc.
AmiDiag 1.2 For Digital Venturis and Celebris 1.2
Boot floppy, files copied from floppy directly to .zip Apparently according to the readme it supports Digital: Venturis (FX,GL) and Celebris (FX,GL,XL)
System / Amiga International Inc.
Amiga Developer CD 1.2
This CD contains the NDK's for version 1.3, 2.0 and 3.1 along with other documentation and examples. Anyone interested in vintage Amiga programming should have a copy of this!
System / Commodore-Amiga Inc.
Amiga Includes and Development Tools 37.4
This is the NDK updates for AmigaDOS 37 (2.04 1991), 39 (3.0 1992), and 40 (3.1 1993). Also includes the GCC fixed includes & libs.
System / Ampro
Ampro CM-4DXi setup disk 950051
Setup files and utilities for Ampro CM-4DXi PC/104 module
System / Amstrad
Amstrad PC 1512 Disquettes Systemes (4 Disquettes 5"1/4 360ko) 3.2
Set des 4 disquettes systèmes AMSTRAD PC 1512 en FR
System / Amstrad
Amstrad PC 1640 Disquettes Systemes (4 Disquettes 5"1/4 360ko) 3 3.2
Set des 4 disquettes systèmes AMSTRAD PC 1640 en FR
System / Kristofer Sweger
AnsiPlus 4.02 4.02
See details here: Release 4.02 Was released 3/1995 I had this in my collection and saw it was a version you didn't have. It cannot be downloaded from author's website, which is still up and running 12/2016 with most current released version of 4.06 from 3/2007.
System / Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple At Ease 1.0.1
Apple At Ease is a simplified menu shell for the Macintosh that replaces the default Finder desktop. It is intended primarily for kiosk, shared, or public computers where users should only have access to designated application programs. At Ease was available in both standard and workgroup flavors. (need a vetusware OS selection for Mac)
Apple At Ease 2.0
Apple At Ease is a simplified menu shell for the Macintosh that replaces the default Finder desktop. It is intended primarily for kiosk, shared, or public computers where users should only have access to designated application programs. At Ease was available in both standard and workgroup flavors. For Apple Macintosh.
Apple At Ease 2.0
Apple At Ease is a simplified menu shell for the Macintosh that replaces the default Finder desktop. It is intended primarily for kiosk, shared, or public computers where users should only have access to designated application programs. At Ease was available in both standard and workgroup flavors. For Apple Macintosh. French Language version.
System / Apple
Apple At Ease 2.0.3
At ease is a simplified user shell for the Macintosh.
System / Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple At Ease 3.0
Apple At Ease is a simplified menu shell for the Macintosh that replaces the default Finder desktop. It is intended primarily for kiosk, shared, or public computers where users should only have access to designated application programs. At Ease was available in both standard and workgroup flavors.
System / Apple
Apple Guided Tour of Macintosh (alt) Jan 1984
Documentation Part Number: Disk 690-5002A, Audio Cassette 942-0387A (Side 1:027-0013A, Side 2: 027-0014A) This is a software and audio cassette demonstration of the Apple Macintosh. It visually guides you through the use of Macintosh, the Finder, and typical Macintosh applications. This disk contains a customized pre-release of the Macintosh System Software. (System 0.85 Finder 1.0). Most notably, the system icons still show a Macintosh with a Twiggy 5.25" floppy drive. Additionally, this finder does not hide the "desktop" file, which causes a slight visual glitch in one of the demonstrations. To use this software, boot this disk in an emulator or on a real Macintosh and begin playing the included cassette tape audio file. Important: This software is very buggy. It is only intended for the original Macintosh 128k. It may crash or run too fast in emulators.
System / Apple
Apple Guided Tour of MacPaint and MacWrite Jan 1984
Documentation Part Number: Disk 690-5006A, Audio Cassette 942-0417A (Side 1: 027-0015B, Side 2: 027-0016B) This is a software and audio cassette demonstration of Apple MacWrite and MacPaint. It visually guides you through the use of the applications. To use this software, boot this disk in an emulator or on a real Macintosh and begin playing the included cassette tape audio file. The two sides of the tape are identical.
System / Apple
Apple Mac OS (System 1.0 (.97) Finder 1.0) (Macintosh System Disk)
In 1984 Apple Computer unveiled their Macintosh. It included a new user interface that revolutionized the way people though about computer interaction. Originally referred to as simply "Macintosh System", the underlying OS was a single-tasking disk system for the Motorola 68K CPU. Significant changes were made in MacOS 7.x. The Macintosh originally came bundled with a Guided Tour of Macintosh, MacWrite, MacPaint, and a Tour of MacPaint and MacWrite. Font Mover was included on the MacWrite MacPaint (Write/Paint) disk.
System / Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple MacOS Twiggy Pre-Release
These are the twiggy disk images used with the Macintosh Twiggy prototype owned by Adam Goolevitch. For more information see:
System / Apple
Apple MacPaint 1.0 (MacWrite 1.0) Jan 1984
This is the first version of Apple's word processor and drawing program bundled with their Macintosh computers. At release, MacWrite and MacPaint were basically the only software available for the Macintosh. As such, they were influential in defining what the Macintosh was and how users interacted with it. Important: MacPaint 1.0 will ONLY run on Macintosh 128k, 128ke, 512k, and 512ke machines. It will not run on a Macintosh Plus or later. If you attempt to do so, you will receive the error "There is not enough room in memory for MacPaint".
System / Apple
Apple Network Administrator Toolkit 1.0
The Apple Network Administrator Toolkit is a set of tools for aiding centralized network management on early Macintosh computers. Includes Apple At Ease 4.
Apple Network Administrator Toolkit 2.0
The Apple Network Administrator Toolkit is a set of tools for aiding centralized network management on early Macintosh computers. Includes At Ease 5.
System / Apple
Apple PlainTalk 1.2.1
This is a speech synthesizer package for Apple MacOS.
System / ARF Inc.
ARF Antivirus Utilities 2.4
ARF Anti-Virus is somewhat unique among anti-virus products. This is a virus *PREVENTION AND RECOVERY* system, not just another virus "detector."
System / Arity
Arity Prolog Compiler 6.0.39
The Arity Prolog Compiler is an implementation of the Prolog language. It competed against Borland Turbo Prolog.
Arrowsoft Assembler 2.00c
Old assembler for Intel 8086, 80186 and 80286 CPU's.
System / Artisoft Inc.
Artisoft Ethernet Adapter Drivers 2/15/92
Driver disk included with Artisoft AE-1/T, AE-2 And AE-3 Ethernet Adapters.
System / 80/20 Softwareee
ASIC is an inexpensive (shareware) compiler that generates very compact, fast-running executable programs that run in a DOS environment. It is a subset of the BASIC language, lacking most of the more complex functions and graphics capabilities of QuickBasic or PowerBasic. The author of ASIC is David Visti of 80/20 Software, P.O. Box 2952, Raleigh, NC 27602-2952, U.S.A. ( The most recent release of the program is Version 5.0 (1994). The limited number of ASIC commands (about 80, but several of these are for experts only) makes it a particularly easy language in which to learn to write really useful stand-alone programs. The author's documentation is unusually well written and easily understood. Although they are DOS programs, ASIC executables can also be run from Windows, either in a DOS box or from the Run item of the File (Win 3.x) or Start (Win 9x/NT/2000) menu. A useful feature of ASIC is that it lets you write and compile object (.OBJ) files that can be linked with other ASIC programming code. There are two shareware libraries of useful routines written in assembler, and these too can be linked into .EXE files written with ASIC. The libraries are IBRARY by Tom Hanlin and ASILIB by Douglas Herr. Both are well documented; IBRARY is easier to use, but ASILIB is a larger collection. The routines in these libraries could not be written directly in a simple language like ASIC, and they greatly enhance the programs in which they are used. It is necessary to use an external linking program to incorporate .OBJ files or library items into a .EXE file compiled by ASIC. The LINK.EXE included with earlier versions of MS-DOS is ideal. See
System / 80/20 Software
ASIC Version 5.00 + Bonus Pack 5.00
ASIC is an inexpensive (shareware) compiler that generates very compact, fast-running executable programs that run in a DOS environment. It is a subset of the BASIC language, lacking most of the more complex functions and graphics capabilities of QuickBasic or PowerBasic. The author of ASIC is David Visti.
System / PC Magazine
Assembly Language Lab Notes floppy disk image
PC Magazine Assembly Language Lab Notes by Robert L. Hummel Floppy disk image (WinImage)
System / BDM Software
ASSIST/I - IBM Mainframe Assembler/Interpreter ASSIST/I allows IBM mainframe assembler language programs to be written assembled, and executed in an interactive, non-IBM-mainframe environment.
System / AST
AST Expanded Memory Driver 3 to 4.5
This driver is for the AST Expanded Memory cards. Pretty good deal once it's working. I Believe it starts in 1988, maybe earlier, if not, feel free to correct.