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System / Procorp
Procorp Mouse Drivers 1989
This archive contains the mouse drivers and system software for the Procorp Serial Mouse.
System / McAfee Associates, Inc
PROVIEW is a menu driven program used to analyze, view and edit the basic components of a system, including the system memory, system interrupts, device drivers, and installed disk drive sectors and file contents.
System / IBM
PS/1 ROM Customization Utility
This is the DOS-Based ROM customization utility that came with the IBM PS/1.
QBasic 1.1(Sources included)
System / Microsoft
QBasic / QuickBASIC 4.5 4.5
Microsoft QBasic/QuickBASIC 4.5 english, including all example files and demos. Be sure to go to in the program "Options" -> "Set Paths" to point to the right place for these files in those directories ("INC", "LIB" and "HLP") after first program start.
System / Quarterdeck Office Systems
QEMM 5.0
QEMM-386 is a memory manager for 386 and higher based computers that provides EMS and high memory to DOS without the need for special hardware.
QEMM 7.04
This is memory management program used for DOS. One of best in that category in good golden DOS days.
QEMM 7.5
Quarterdeck Expanded Memory Manager (QEMM) 7.5, dated 5-12-95
QEMM 8.0
QEMM is an expanded memory manager for 386 computers.
System / Quarterdeck Office Systems
QEMM 386 5.0
QRAM A memory manager for Intel 80286 or higher CPUs. It supports Chips and Technologies chipsets. 2.02 added SHADOWRAM switch. QEXT now correctly reallocates eXtended Memory Specification (XMS). It includes VIDRAM, Optimize, LOADHI from QEMM 6.02, Manifest 1.13. Earlier versions of QRAM also supported the older 8086 and 8088 CPUs.
System / Quarterdeck Office Systems
QEMM 7.50 7.50
This archive contains two 1.44MB floppy images of QEMM 7.50 dated 17th September 1994. The images are of ORIGINAL disks that I purchased on eBay (with printed manuals). That said it was registered to the original owner whose details I've removed. Thus no serial number is required to install this. Note that this is the first release of v7.5 (most are 7.53 from 12th May 1995) and will only show as 7.5 (not 7.50). Quarterdeck didn't show the 100th version digit starting with v7.00 and only allowed it to be seen again with 7.53+ via QEMMREG /X or the X key in Manifest. There are already patches on this site (uploaded by me) that will allow you to create 7.51/7.52/7.53 installs from this.
System / Quaterdeck
QEMM Game Edition is a special version of the full QEMM 7.5 package. It includes an updated version of the Quarterdeck DOS Protected Mode Interface (QDPMI), specially designed to improve Game Runner's support for DOS extended games. QEMM's memory management features are exactly the same in version 7.5 and Game Edition. QEMM in both versions fully supports DOS and Microsoft Windows, and provides EMS, XMS, VCPI, and DPMI memory management. The most significant difference between the two versions is that QEMM 7.5 provides both DOS and Microsoft Windows user interfaces for Manifest, QSETUP and INSTALL, while the Game Edition provides the DOS interfaces only. QEMM 7.5 also provides the QuickBoot feature, where the Game Edition does not.
System / Quarterdeck Office Systems
QEMM v7.00 v7.00 (June 8th 1993)
This is a RARE copy of an original QEMM v7.00 (unpatched) floppy (720KB) in .img format. It is unmodified except that the serial number has been included in the SERIAL.TXT file. The files are dated June 8th 1993.
System / Quarterdeck Office Systems
QEMM-386 6.04 6.04
This archive contains a 720KB floppy image containing QEMM-386 v6.04 dated 5th March 1993. A few notes. I found v6.04 on a RUSSIAN site with a "crack" program to install it. The crack did NOT work but I was able to extract the files from QEMM386.QIP using a copy of QUNPACK.EXE I have. The INSTALL.EXE file in the download is for DESQView/X so that may be the original source. The resulting files seem genuine (unhacked and virus free) but would NOT run (gave an "unregistered" message). Copying them to a floppy together with INSTALL.EXE from v6.02 allowed QEMM to be registered (using any 6.xx serial number) and installed. It then ran. To my knowledge 6.04 was the last 6.xx version. QEMM v7.00 is dated 8th June 1993.
System / Quarterdeck Office Systems
QRAM 1.00 1.00
This archive contains a 360KB floppy image of QRAM 1.00 dated 11th January 1990. I found it on in an archive of old stuff. It was in an obsolete floppy image format but I managed to convert it (eventually). Unlike the version already on this site (actually v1.01 dated 11th February 1991) this is the first release. I think QRAM 1.xx run on 8086+ machines and may be useful for old versions of DOS that don't have HIMEM.SYS but have extended memory above 1MB (accessed using QEXT.SYS).
System / Quarterdeck
QRAM286 1.00
QRAM is a set of DOS memory management utilities from Quarterdeck for 286 computers.
System / Quadram Corporation
QuadMaster Drivers
A set of tools including a print spooler, memory tester, and clock reader for the Quadboard and Quadboard II Disk image is in 160K DOS 1.x format, which WinImage can not open. File are already extracted.
System / Quadram
QuadMaster II for Quadboards
QuadMaster is a set of utilities for use with Quadram memory expansion cards. QuadMaster II includes three fully integrated functions: MasterCache, MasterSpool, and QuadRAM Drive. And QuadMaster II is menu-oriented, making it easy to use. MasterCache is a disk cache system that automatically stores the most recently used data in RAM. By limiting disk accesses, MasterCache significantly speeds up processing in programs that frequently read data from a disk -- such as word processing or electronic spreadsheet programs. Quadmaster II includes QuadRAM Drive, the electronic disk drive that gives you instant access to files. And MasterSpool, the advanced print spooler that allows you to move forward and backward in a file, to pause and resume printing at any time, and to clear the entire buffer.
System / Quadram Corporation
Quadram Quadcolor I and II Drivers 1984
These are the manuals and installation program required to use the extended modes on a Quadram Quadcolor I and II board.
System / Quarterdeck
Quarterdeck DESQView X 1.0
DESQView, from Quarterdeck, was a DOS application multi-tasker and in later versions functioned as an X client for applications on remote UNIX systems. It competed against IBM Topview. The original DESQ was just a task switcher, but subsequent versions offered preemptive multitasking of well behaved DOS programs on real-mode 8088 PCs. It gained popularity when DESQView 386 added virtual x86 support. This enabled the ability to multi task many poorly behaved programs, and was often used on BBSes due to its excellent COM port handling. It was later overtaken by OS/2 and Windows.
System / QUE Corporation
QUE TOOLS for QuickBASIC 4.5 1
Companion Disk for QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolkit by Tom Rugg and Phil Feldman (C) 1989 by Que Corporation. This disk contains the source files for the programs in QuickBASIC Programmer's Toolkit. Programs include "BARCHART" and "MORTGAGE".