Windows 3.x / Office
DacEasy Accounting & Payroll 95 3.04
DacEasy Accounting & Payroll 95 v3.04 February 23, 1996 DacEasy Inc., Dallas Texas For Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and NT MSRP US $149.95 Requires: 4 MB Ram (8 MB recommended) 12 MB disk space Complete double-entry accounting and payroll package. Uses the acclaimed Btrieve database system for reliable and ultra-fast data files. AppleSeed '96
Windows 3.x / Office
DacEasy Accounting For Windows 1.0
DacEasy Accounting For Windows v1.0 - DacEasy December 20, 1993 =================== Serial: WA11B111503 =================== Accounting Program for Windows "Try new DacEasy Accounting for Windows for just $99.95! Offer good through December 31, 1993" Notes/Features: DacEasy was the first company to offer affordable accounting software geared towarsd the small business. It had gone through many DOS revisions at the time the Windows 1.0 version was released. - AppleSeed -