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Haec sententia nil esse. - Juliano Vetus, site founder
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On Wednesday September 7, 2022 Dave said:
No issues with install under dos box. Runs fine after install as far as I can tell with limited testing.
On Monday August 8, 2022 Fabrice HETRU said:
Impossible to be installed ! Each INSTALL.EXE utility is intended to be used from its original floppies sets ; as all the files are in one subdirectory here, the install utility loops in a "wait for the next floppy" state, unitil you get mad, or you finaly abord before ! SO : this product shall be distributed with all its original floppies IMAGES... or
On Friday January 26, 2018 Alfredo Tassano said:
Modula-2 is a programming language designed by Nicklaus Wirth. And Top Speed is the IDE developed by Jensen. It contains a multiple screen editor, a compiler, debugger, linker, and libraries to be included.
On Wednesday May 8, 2013 said:
It is really Topspeed Modula 2 but it is not a DBMS. It's a Modula 2 language compiler!
On Friday July 29, 2011 Douglas Goodall said:
That is correct, it is a Modula 2 IDE. It was a very fun environment which I enjoyed very much.
On Tuesday October 9, 2007 guest (guest) said:
TopSpeed Modula-2, also known as JPI TopSpeed Modula-2 (Jensen & Partners International) is a Modula-2 Compiler and IDE for DOS. It's libraries became a de-facto standard in later Modula-2 compilers and it's creators were ex-Borland developers.
On Monday August 27, 2007 guest (guest) said:
AFAIK Topspeed Modula is a programming language / compiler, NOT a DBMS !
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