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Internet Explorer 5.50
This is the last version of Internet Explorer you can use on Windows 95, but we highly recommand to install Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 since it has the Active-desktop update
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft Corporation
Internet Explorer 5.50.4134.0600
Microsoft Internet Explorer is a web browser application created by Microsoft primarily for Microsoft Windows. This is the last version for Windows 95.
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6 Full Package
Internet Explorer 6. Last version to work on Windows 98/ME/NT4. Also works on 2000, preinstalled on XP. Comes with all required setup files, so no "active" download is needed.
Windows NT/2000 / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Full Setup
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows 98 and Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 6a. Windows Desktop Update (aka Active Desktop) for Windows NT 4.0 included, but not installed by default. To do it, add: Shell_Integration=1 to iesetup.ini.
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Paquete Completo
Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) es la versión más reciente de las tecnologías principales de Internet Explorer 6 de Windows® XP Home Edition y Windows XP Professional. Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 ofrece una exploración privada, de confianza y flexible y la libertad de experimentar lo mejor de Internet a los usuarios de Windows XP, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows 98 y Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 6a.
Windows NT/2000 / Microsoft Corporation
Internet Explorer 6 SP1
7zip-compressed folder containing the full offline installation files of Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Italian for Windows 2000 and XP SP0/SP1 (XP SP2/SP3 include newer versions of IE6). I don't know if these installation files works with earlier Windows versions too.
Internet Explorer 3 3.0
16-bit Internet Explorer for Windows 3.1
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 32-bit for Win95 1.0
Click to install 32-bit edition of first IE browser released August 20 1995
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.0 4.71.1712.0
Internet Explorer 4.00 para Windows 95 e NT 3.x e 4. Acompanha atualização para suporte de criptografia de 128-bits.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5 16-bit (PT-BR) 5
Brazilian Portuguese version of the famous browser. This is the last version available for Windows 3.1.
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft
Internet Explorer Administration Kit 5
The IE admin kit allows the user to customise aspects of IE to match their specific brand
BeOS / Jens Kilian
Internet Junkbuster for BeOS R5 2.0.2
This package contains binaries for PowerPC and Intel of the Internet Junkbuster Proxy™.
Windows 9x/ME / VocalTec
Internet Phone 5 Internet Phone 5
VocalTec Internet Phone is a program for making real-time voice and video calls between internet users. It could access the telephone network through an Internet Telephony Service Provider gateway. It was standards based, implemented using H.323. With appropriate hardware, internet users can exchange live video.
Windows 3.x / OzEmail
Internet Starter Kit 1.0
INTERNET STARTER KIT, This disk contains all the software you need for simple point and click access to the Internet Plus an Internet Tutorial For Windows 3.1 Select Run from the File Menu To install type a:setup
ISDN Capi Port Beta 1
This driver requires BeOS R5.0.1! Also note, that this package only supports the active AVM B1 PCI controllers!
Unix / GNU
Ishmail 1.3.4
Multi-media Internet Mail for Unix Systems
DOS / Itautec
Itau Bankline Pessoal 1.0R
Itau Bankline Pessoal. Online bank account management tool for MS-DOS, Win 3.x (and Win 95 pre-release).
BeOS / Wesley Dungan
Jabber 1.3
With Jabber you can chat one-on-one with other BeOS users running Jabber or anyone else that is using an `ntalk' compatible client/daemon.
DOS / Huey-Chang Jean
JCOM 1.0
JCOM is an user friendly menu-driven software with rich features for 386-based PC MSDOS terminal emulator. It supports ANSI, VT102 and Linux consoles and also supports the function/cursor keys for terminal emulation. It supports RS-232 UART 16550A FIFO hardware with speed up to 115200 bps and includes software and hardware flow control.
DOS / Jay Cotton
Kali 1.2k
Most games only support IPX networks and modem/direct serial link play; TCP/IP networks are not natively supported. With the right software, however, most games designed to be played over IPX LANs can be fooled into operating over the Internet. Kali uses the UDP protocol to send game information between multiple machines on the Internet. Kali has been used to play Descent, Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Command & Conquer, Apache, Rise of the Triad, Terminal Velocity, Warcraft, VR Pool, Super Karts, Mortal Combat 3, and other games over the Internet with opponents from all over the world (not all games will be fast enough from modem connections).
DOS / Kali
Kali v1.0 "Wide Beta" 1.0WB
Kali 1.0wb Kali is a network driver which allows virtually any application software designed for use with the IPX protocol to be used over a TCP/IP network. Designed primarily for use with network games, Kali has been successfully tested with Descent, DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Rise of the Triad, and VR Pool. Other software should also work as long as it uses IPX. Download Kali and start putting your Internet connection to good use!
Windows 9x/ME / Kali
Kali95 v0.9a 0.9a
Kali95 version 0.9a (c)Copyright 1996 Kali, Inc. All Rights Reserved Kali95 is a network driver which allows virtually any application software designed for use with the IPX protocol or Win95's DirectPlay protocol to be played over a Win95 winsock connection. Designed primarily for use with network games, Kali has been successfully tested with Descent, Command & Conquer, Warcraft2, Duke Nukem, Quake, DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Rise of the Triad, VR Pool, Terminal Velocity, SuperKarts, and MechWarrior2 (Win95). Download Kali and start putting your Internet connection to good use!
Kermit 3.14
Kermit — Outstanding text and text-graphics terminal. Kermit is a high-end, text and text-graphics terminal program that can run by itself, or embedded within some other program. It can run over a variety of networks, including the Internet when coupled with Telnet. Standalone operation requires 8088+, DOS 2.0+, 160K-500K memory (depending on options selected), and a serial port or modem or network adapter. Runs under Windows 3.x, in a window or full-screen, and can execute in the background (for use under Win32, get Kermit95). Source code is available.Online screenshots. Some other features, from the docs: Text-mode user interface Serial connections up to at least 57,600 bps RTS/CTS hardware flow control is available Support for buffered UARTs, Hayes ESP, and Fossil drivers Automatic dialing scripts for Hayes, Telebit, US Robotics, Practical Peripherals, and many other modems Network connections through many Ethernet adapters, BIOS Int 14, Hayes ESP serial communications board in 16550A mode, Fossil drivers Terminal emulations: ANSI, DEC VT320/VT220/VT102/VT100/VT52, Data General DASHER D463/D470/D217, Wyse-50, Heath/Zenith-19, Tektronix 4014, Sixel graphics Terminal emulation features include screen rollback, capture, copy, and print; 132-column mode; horizontal scrolling; key mapping and macros; comprehensive character-set support; a compose key for entering accented letters; color text and graphics; much more. Kermit File Transfer Protocol: Long packets, sliding windows, dynamic packet length, locking shifts, control-character "unprefixing," character-set conversion for Western and Eastern European languages, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Japanese, and recovery for interrupted binary-mode transfers Autodownload / autoupload, command macros, command files, script programming language with variables, functions, loops & more Workarounds for buggy UART simulators on Pentium motherboards Control over timeslicing method in Windows, DesqView, OS/2, NT Selectable fore- and background colors for underline simulation Debugging display of TELNET options negotiation Authors: Daphne Tzoar, Jeff Damens, Joe R. Doupnik, James Harvey, et al.
Unix / gpl
KNode 0.1.8
KNode is a newsreader for the K Desktop Enviroment. It is a pure online-reader, that is supposed to be used with a local newsserver (remove the ".gz" after ".rpm").